Burning CD makes my PC turn off


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
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I go to burn an audio disc in WMP and when it gets to the part where it actually copies the files over, the PC just turns off.

I'm thinking that it's something to do with the PSU?

Oh, and now it takes a minute to get onto the login screen after the windows loading screen...

The hdd doesn't even sound like it's doing anything =/
There might be an option that is checked that says "Turn off PC after finished burning" I know there's a box like that in Nero.
But it doesn't even burn to the disc.

It begins to burn, the drive starts to make a whirring noise then the PC just turns off.

Sounds like an underpowered PSU. First try giving the burner its own molex chain. If it still saps too much power, get a 450w PSU.
Well...it reads OK.

I'm more worried about the fact that it take a minute for any HDD activity to happen after the Windows loading screen :X

Btw, my PSU is a 500w Jeantech.
It might be a problem with your motherboard. Open up your computer and check whether any of the board's capacitors are blown., or if anything isn't plugged in all the way.
What about the startup problem?

Very annoying having to sit for one minute waiting for the login screen to appear after it used to load up after 10 seconds...
What's the boot sequence in your Bios? It sounds like your bios is waiting for a response from your CD drive. I'd double-check the UDMA leads are plugged in properly at both ends. It could still read OK even if some pins aren't in right - this would explain the problem with writing and also the lack of a response to the BIOS causing it to timeout and resume booting from HDD (a quick fix for this would be to disable boot-from-CD).
I would still look at your PSU. I know its rated to 500w, but that dosen't mean it isn't damaged. I've had similar reboot issues with PSU's that were rated for the task, but wern't working properly.
Firstly, NEVER use crap like WMP to burn anything. Get NERO, or some similar app.

Secondly, STARFORCE. Read about how it ruins your PC, optical drives (permanatly), stops optical drives reading / writing, and causes re-boots and all sort of other crap. Use the method described to check/remove if it is on your system, also the removal tools too. It might not be the problem, but it would be a VERY good place to start...
Well, it doesn't take as long now...only 20 seconds but still =/

Anyway, I've found this.

I'm pretty sure this relates to me installing Daemon's Tools about a week ago. (I uninstalled it a couple of days ago though)

Would it be safe to uninstall the CD Drive?

EDIT: Ok, I uninstalled Daemon Tools and the CD Drive doesn't exist anymore.

Same problem though.

Should I update the firmware on my DVD drives?