Burning cd's...


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Hey all. I've got a nice burner, Lite-On 52x32x52x CD-RW, and I use Nero Express. However, whenever I try to burn mp3's to a cd (I use Staples blank cd's), and put it in a cd player, it never works. What can I possibly be doing wrong?
you making an audio cd or are you just burning mp3's to a data cd?
The cd says 700mb and 80 minutes of recording time. Idk, doesn't that mean 80 minutes of mp3?
^^^^^^LoneDeranger is probably right, next time, uncheck "make mulit-session disc"
you can't jsut brun mp3's strait to a cd and get it to work.
I just burnt my whole playlist to mp3 cds

Guinny, use nero express
Go to audio then mp3 disc, then put the tracks you want on then burn.

Remember, if you put whole folders on the cd, you can skip through it with the "album" button, its really helpful when you have 100+ songs on 1 cd
Spud, thats exactly what I use and do every time. My cd's don't work though on cd players. And it's not the burner because my old burner had the same problem.
most CD players can't play mp3 cds. You have to convert them to a CD format (.wav i htink) and when you choose "audio CD" it automaticly does this. worst comes to worst, u cna do it in windows media player.
Do you own an MP3 Player Walkman? If not then i suggest you go out and get a Sony Atrac3Plus MP3 Player *D-NE510* It has like a red line in the middle lol :) very good MP3 Player, if you use their Atract3Plus (it comes on a cd with the walkman) 490 Songs on 1 CD, and thats awsome! i have 2 cds like it lol and its MORE then enough. 80H battery life, but when i got it i can say it live on 2 alakaline batteries for 4 and a half days. Price, in canadian i payed around 190$ for it, maybe 130$ US? Not sure, but good luck!

EDIT: forgot to add you also get Sonys personal burning software, i think its REALLY simple to use. Just put cd in Drag the tracks you want and it burns it :)
...unless your player supports it

edit: ach! I should refresh before posting I should...
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
you can't jsut brun mp3's strait to a cd and get it to work.
I must be an exception than, cus thats what Ive been doin for 2 years ;)
Haha in actuality though I think my burning proggie converts them to .wavs for me.
didnt read everything here but try:

File> New > Wizard > Compile New CD > Audio CD > Finish

then drag the music to the CD and burn.. there will be 80 minutes of music on the cd. (so thats not over 100 mp3s.... but just something like 20 songs)

Correction.. music cd files are not wav, the file format is called cda. However most programs need the source data to be converted to wav before they can handle it and burn it to a cd as cda file.

Nero has been able to convert mp3 to cda and burn it to a music cd for a long time now.. just choose music cd through nero wizard and then drag'n'drop the mp3 files you want burnt as cda files on your music cd.

Also I should mention that some old cd players might have a hard time handling some brands of cd-r discs. Since their laser pickups were never optimized for that kind of media.