Burning Fish's Unreal 2 XMP Trailer


May 20, 2003
Reaction score
He made a trailer of Unreal 2 XMP. So... here it is!
Special thanks to:
- DEMINEM (Player 01)
- Th00mz (Player 02)
- Mookie / dk_bot / Hond (Testing)
- Some guys on a server He participated and captured in. Sorry for the lag (Fraps)
Capturing: Fraps 1.9D (Added all the game-sounds manually)
Editing 01: Pinnacle Studio 8.10 (Main editing)
Editing 02: MAGIX Video deLuxe 1.06 (Used to mix complex sounds)
Compression 01: VirtualDub 1.5.7
Compression 02: CDex 1.51 (Music + Main sound)
Music: Juno Reactor and Don Davis - Tetsujin (The Matrix Revolutions)
Length: 2:48

Download here

Its A very good trailer. :) He did a very good job at making it.
Pretty good movie. As you said, the sounds were out-of-sync, but that was the only problem. Great choice of song, too!
Hes got a better one made and waiting on a host. :) Ill post a link to it as soon as he ets a host.
Sound wasn't out of sync for me...nice video :) Is XMP any good then?

I've never tried this cos i'm short on HD space, but how much room does a Fraps recorded movie take up?
DAMN! awsome!!!

Just perfect with the music and fx and all.

It rocked my boat
Yeah XMP is one of the funnest Multiplayer games that I have ever played!
Vehical combat is a blast! The ground warfare is very goood fast paced action. I've had some of the most teeth grinding, sweat dripping, finger snapping, head beating wars in this game!
I recomend XMP fully!