Burnout Paradise - Demo now on XBLM!!!

I like hot women... Maybe Greek ones. What are you talking about? You like the more dark-skinned ones better... So, how about that Burnout Paradise? What about it? I don't have an Xbox. I kinda like Tacos. FREE KEVIN! I should go study....
Right, OK then...

I think it's awesome. I hate that guy on the radio though, someone please shut him up.
I've loved the Burnout series more than I've ever cared about any of you.

I can't wait to get Paradise.
Will download in a couple a' days.
Yeah its really, REALLY awesome. I'd be happy with a Burnout that just looked and played as well as this one does, but the size and density of the city makes this something else.

Gamertag: LobsterJ
Just played it. First thoughts... meh. Doesn't look very next gen, but then I am speaking from the perspective of someone who's last racing game was PGR4
This game is awesome. It's everything burnout should be.

It seems very next gen, the wrecks anyway.

I rented PGR4 and played for about 5 minutes before taking it out of my 360 forever. Gear shifters on my wheel didn't even work with it.
Man, this game is truly awesome.

Can't win any races cause I always crash to make my car blow up good. I havent played for that long, but I didnt see any form of a crash event, or crashbreaker, which were some of my favourite aspects of the previous Burnout title for the 360.
Do the cars get torn apart this time? Because that's really what I'm looking forward to most.
That's what I'd like to know, Criterion has talked about being able to rip the cars apart in the past. SOMEBODY SACRIFICE THEMSELVES FOR THE SAKE OF OUR KNOWLEDGE!
Yeah, they do. They crumple on impact, and bits fly off them. If you still have 4 wheels attached (and arent upside down) you can drive away from an accident ... but any high speed accident = WRECK.

Just look at the burnout paradise gameplay vids on youtube...
What about it getting ripped completely in half from being t-boned by a large vehicle or object while going at high speeds?
That sucks.

Last question then: Does it play more like Burnout 1/2, Burnout 3, or Burnout Revenge?
It would be cool though if you could get ripped in half...

The first time I crashed was when I accidentally ran into a concrete barrier full speed. I was rewarded with watching the car actually getting compressed to half its size. NPC cars also deform like this, which is good.
is crash mode back?
I refuse to play until it returns(it wasn't in Dominator)
OK,I'll get it anyway,saw a trailer for the Stuntrun mode,too good to pass up
Crashmode (aka Showtime) actually has FEWER limits on it due to the setup of the city, so the combos you could theoretically create are bigger than the other games probably. And since traffic traveling in the same direction as you is a threat again, I'd say it plays most like Burnout 3.

As for it not looking next gen: fuh? It's gorgeous.
So I take it it's awesome. I don't have a X360 (getting one for Xmas), but I'll be playing this at a friend's house.