Bush admin new buzz word: Fascists


May 5, 2004
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CNN said:
President Bush in recent days has recast the global war on terror into a "war against Islamic fascism." Fascism, in fact, seems to be the new buzz word for Republicans in an election season dominated by an unpopular war in Iraq.

Bush used the term earlier this month in talking about the arrest of suspected terrorists in Britain, and spoke of "Islamic fascists" in a later speech in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

pot meet kettle, kettle meet pot


somewhere in the middle east

terrorist 1: "look at this article bush is calling us fascists!"

terrorist 2: "goddam it that's our term for them!!!"
Bleh. Bush is a commie. :p Does that make him one?
They are people with a plan to take over the world and eliminate everybody except them," Black said.
Hehe, this sounds like Pinky and the Brain.
Damn those commie-fascist-terror-liberal-appeaser-unamerican swines!
Why doesn't he just out-and-out call them nazis and himself captain america or something?

BTW, the book Kingdom Coming by Michelle Goldberg details a couple dozen fascist tactics used by the christian right to keep people like George Bush in power. OOPS.
Bush complaining about fascism? That's like Satan complaining about evil.

I mean he only wants to merge business and government into one, have unlimited power and completely throw out any part of the constitution that doesn't fit his agenda, spy on political opponents labelling them as terrorists, take over oil rich countries in the name of democracy and terrorise anyone that doesn't agree with him by doing everything in his power to ruin them (look up the Plame affair). But I guess that's not facism, thats conservatism. :frown:
I always thought Rumsfield had a mental disability.
People need to learn what Facism actually is. Facism is something pretty specific, you cant just use it for an all-purpose term for any sort of authoritarianism.
and them we will see videos of people whit hezbollah flags but photoshoped into nazi flags,and pentagrams,arabs whit ak47 whit the radioactive logo in theyr guns,and a osama bin laden whit a hitler mustache
Osama Bin Adolf, dontchermean.

You're clearly not getting into the spirit of things.

1. (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

I'm not a huge fan of Bush, but he is not neccessarily wrong when he refers to the terrorists as Islamic fascists. They are a group of people displaying "aggressive nationalism and ... racism." Yes, it's a very broad word. Yes, there are Christian fascists and many other kinds of fascists.

The point is, why are you harping so much on this? THe guy is not wrong for calling them fascists. It's not like he is saying a fascist is an Islamic terrorist.
He's largely accurate in calling them fascists.

It's the fact that Bush is intentionally using largely the same tactics that bothers everyone.
But what we need to take away from all of this is why he is using that term. He is trying to compare anyone that disagrees with the war in Iraq and their terror policies as "nazi appeasers" (using Rumsfeld's own words). This just another way to label all criticism of them as unamerican and unpatriotic. Luckily americans don't seem to be buying into that bullshit this election season.
Bush complaining about fascism? That's like Satan complaining about evil.

I mean he only wants to merge business and government into one, have unlimited power and completely throw out any part of the constitution that doesn't fit his agenda, spy on political opponents labelling them as terrorists, take over oil rich countries in the name of democracy and terrorise anyone that doesn't agree with him by doing everything in his power to ruin them (look up the Plame affair). But I guess that's not facism, thats conservatism. :frown:

Actually, it's more like Ghandi complaining of peace.