Bush bans torture SHOCKER

Total hypocrit, as if this will stop the CIA waterboarding suspects in european prisons and Guantanamo.
I was just gonna say that, clarky. As if anyone believes that the practice of torturing in SOME manner or another is going to cease with this executive order. It's naive to believe anything else.
Military lawyers say the main point of the orders is to offer protection to CIA officers who might get sued in US courts if they were deemed to have abused prisoners.

this really doesnt change anything as it's open to interpretation ..things like stress positions can still be used even though they cause extreme pain ..but since the cia interogators are not inflicting the pain, it's permissiable. Oh and US laws didnt stop prisoners from being beaten ( afew to death) nor did it stop any of the practices currently in use in US pow detention centres ...the US has been using these methods for over 50 years, they're not going to stop now just because sock puppet bush makes a public announcement