Bush doesn't care


Jan 23, 2004
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You know in Argentina, the Summit of Americas is underway, and I was watching it for a bit...and the camera likes to zoom in on Bush a number of times...and when someone was speaking another language...everyone put on the earphones to listen to the interpreters....except Bush. Now..I know that bush does not know how to speak any other language except English. Bush was also looking at someone and briefly raising his eyebrows a lot...not paying attention. Pretty weird as all the leaders should be hearing what the other leaders have to say. This is kinda not what a leader has to do.
Well. Yet more evidence in the Bush is an Idiot Pit...I think we need a bigger pit...
The Grand Canyon will do nicely for now :E
But why are you posting this? This just shows your partisan side. Everyone knows you shouldn't attack Bush even if he deserves it so people on this board don't come after you. :dozey:

I agree. Because you assume something then it must be true. Bush is horrible because you think so. Good point.
what the hell is that susposed to mean? just keep your head in the dirt...
Maybe he can read minds and thats how he knew Sadam has WMD's
Ikerous said:
Maybe he can read minds and thats how he knew Sadam has WMD's

Don't be silly... God told him that Saddam had WMDs.
Yeah It's true. And you know...I bet those WMD's are burried under Iraq to be set off when Sadam see's fit. FYI he has a detonator in his arse. I mean, God can't be wrong!!!!
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