Bush quotes about Canadian medicine...


Jan 23, 2004
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And I quote

"Don't buy pills from Canada because pills from Canada could kill you!"

Last time I checked we get our pills from the US...That made me laugh so hard and it really shows the ignorance of Bush..I loved it.
that whole debate was pretty funny.. we had a play by play thread you should dig up to relive the frivolity.
ahahahah omg , its even funnier when your a canadian like myself lol tee hee.


Lil' Timmy said:
that whole debate was pretty funny.. we had a play by play thread you should dig up to relive the frivolity.

Could you direct me to that thread please??
I don't think this is really about pills from Canada...Come on, lets really look at the issue here.

Feeding small children to pigs is wrong :|
It's even more wrong feeding pigs to small children.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Feeding small children to pigs is wrong :|

Not like it's my fault those kids wanted to pet the pigs. NOT LIKE IT'S MY FAULT FARROW!!!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Feeding small children to pigs is wrong :|
Feeding people to pigs? You must have us confused with...
(/me checks Farrow's Location )
..England! :P

Our drugs are awesome. If Bush's concerns were even remotely valid, we'd be seeing a lot sick canadians.

But since that's not happening, , drug your worries away! :smoking:
"Don't buy pills from Canada because pills from Canada could kill you!"

Not the actual quote. The quote was:

"The reason why I'am not allowing the mass production of simple medicines, is because I'd much rather make sure the medicines will cure you, not kill you."

I've got the whole debate on TVO. :D I'am soon to have it up on Bit-torrent for those of you who missed it.
Mechagodzilla said:
Our drugs are awesome.

I can vouch for that .......oh wait you're talking about prescription drugs? .......uhmmmm nevermind :E
K e r b e r o s said:
Not the actual quote. The quote was:

"The reason why I'am not allowing the mass production of simple medicines, is because I'd much rather make sure the medicines will cure you, not kill you."

I've got the whole debate on TVO. :D I'am soon to have it up on Bit-torrent for those of you who missed it.
Actually, if we're talking about the second debate, and I think we are, the quote was:
Presidential Debate #2 said:
HORSTMAN: Mr. President, why did you block the reimportation of safer and inexpensive drugs from Canada which would have cut 40 to 60 percent off of the cost?

BUSH: I haven't yet. Just want to make sure they're safe. When a drug comes in from Canada, I want to make sure it cures you and doesn't kill you.
Source: CSPAN Transcript
Hmm. Could this possibly be the influence of American pharmaceutical lobbyists?

Could Bush be a complete tool?
i think the problem deals with less drug approval oversight in Canada than in the US. Basically it could make the FDA useless if you could just order your drugs from another country. Why stop at Canada? Why not get drugs from South America? I think it would be a slippery slope if they did that. Why not get the BCG vaccine(for Tuberculosis) the rest of the world gets, despite its low efficacy and interference with the skin test? screw the FDA. what do they know anyway?
f|uke said:
Hmm. Could this possibly be the influence of American pharmaceutical lobbyists?

Could Bush be a complete tool?
You don't say...
f|uke said:
Hmm. Could this possibly be the influence of American pharmaceutical lobbyists?

Could Bush be a complete tool?

Bush? a tool? NO WAY
/sarcasm :E
Vulgar Slang. A penis.

Could Bush be a complete tool?

i think it's great how people always digress when talking about Bush to him being an idiot. Just ignore the topic people. Yeah, no drugs from Canada? Bush MUST be an idiot to disagree with that. :sarcasm:
Adidajs said:
i think it's great how people always digress when talking about Bush to him being an idiot. Just ignore the topic people. Yeah, no drugs from Canada? Bush MUST be an idiot to disagree with that. :sarcasm:

funny you should say that. I was listening to a radio talk show about cross border drug shopping and they had a few american guests who said that if they couldnt buy there drugs from canada (30% cheaper for the EXACT same drugs) they'd have to do without food for the month ...this one senior citizen said she pays $1000/month for medication and what she saves from buying them in canada pays for her groceries each month ...do you really want people like this to go hungry over a technicality?

it seems everyone has an opinion until it actually affects them
CptStern said:
funny you should say that. I was listening to a radio talk show about cross border drug shopping and they had a few american guests who said that if they couldnt buy there drugs from canada (30% cheaper for the EXACT same drugs) they'd have to do without food for the month ...this one senior citizen said she pays $1000/month for medication and what she saves from buying them in canada pays for her groceries each month ...do you really want people like this to go hungry over a technicality?

it seems everyone has an opinion until it actually affects them

You want to know why the drugs are cheaper? You pay for the reduction in cost through your taxes.

Americans are getting drugs cheaper through Canada and you foot the bill.
Well, while this is a thread about Bush, I figured I'd post a video clip that I've just found.

blahblahblah said:
You want to know why the drugs are cheaper? You pay for the reduction in cost through your taxes.

Americans are getting drugs cheaper through Canada and you foot the bill.

I don't mind if my tax dollars help sick people feel better. American or otherwise.
blahblahblah said:
You want to know why the drugs are cheaper? You pay for the reduction in cost through your taxes.

Americans are getting drugs cheaper through Canada and you foot the bill.

noooo these drugs are made in canada ..they cost less because we have generic drugs which are cheaper
CptStern said:
noooo these drugs are made in canada ..they cost less because we have generic drugs which are cheaper


Prescriptions drugs are often cheaper in Canada and other countries because of government price controls. Congress has considered legalizing the importation but has met strong opposition from the administration and the pharmaceutical industry.

You may also have different laws which reduce the length of patents on drugs which means generic drugs can come to the market faster. I haven't bothered comaring US and Canadian prescription drug laws.

I've said this before, and I will say it again - the health care industry in the US is going to go through a radical change in the near future. People want these fancy new drugs to cure their problems, but they can't afford to pay for them. Something has got to give.
dream431ca said:
And I quote

"Don't buy pills from Canada because pills from Canada could kill you!"

Last time I checked we get our pills from the US...That made me laugh so hard and it really shows the ignorance of Bush..I loved it.
I believe he was talking about wanting to take caution in foreign medicine, just to check it out. The quote is really out of context. Although i think the canadian medicine is fine...better safe then sorry.
blahblahblah said:

You may also have different laws which reduce the length of patents on drugs which means generic drugs can come to the market faster. I haven't bothered comaring US and Canadian prescription drug laws.

I've said this before, and I will say it again - the health care industry in the US is going to go through a radical change in the near future. People want these fancy new drugs to cure their problems, but they can't afford to pay for them. Something has got to give.

ya but the caandian governemnt doesnt subsidize the cost of drugs on behalf of the manufacturer. Canada sent tons of cheap(er) generic aids drugs to africa not because they are inferior but because regulation allows drug manufacturers to create generic brands of expensive drugs.

You're right, though, sooner or later drugs will have to be subsidized by the US government so that everyone has the same opportunity for proper treatment
CptStern said:
ya but the caandian governemnt doesnt subsidize the cost of drugs on behalf of the manufacturer. Canada sent tons of cheap(er) generic aids drugs to africa not because they are inferior but because regulation allows drug manufacturers to create generic brands of expensive drugs.

You're right, though, sooner or later drugs will have to be subsidized by the US government so that everyone has the same opportunity for proper treatment

I personally think using the government to subsidize costs is only putting a band-aid on the problem.

Anyways, the US allows generic drugs, it just takes 10/15 years for the patent to expire (and then generic drugs are allowed to be sold). The reasoning is that it takes that long to pay for the R&D of that drug and the R&D costs of all the drugs that never made it to the market. If you reduce the patent length on these drugs, the pharmaceuticals have a hard time making a profit. When it takes 20 years for a drug to make it from a promising research idea to on a pharmacy's shelf, I think it become apparent why they charge the prices they do.

I don't agree with the system right now, but people have to understand that these prescription drugs cost a lot of money to create.
So what is everyone worked up about?

"Oh noes!!1 what about de American sick and eldarleey? OH NOES!! he rejected canadian drugs!! wage intranet war!!11one"
Mechagodzilla said:
I don't mind if my tax dollars help sick people feel better. American or otherwise.

that's because you're a bleeding heart liberal.

me too
blahblahblah said:
You may also have different laws which reduce the length of patents on drugs which means generic drugs can come to the market faster. I haven't bothered comaring US and Canadian prescription drug laws.

I've said this before, and I will say it again - the health care industry in the US is going to go through a radical change in the near future. People want these fancy new drugs to cure their problems, but they can't afford to pay for them. Something has got to give.

i don't know about the Canadian prescription drug laws here but i was listening to an interesting interview about 2 weeks ago and they were talking about baseball players taking drugs... the one thing the drug expert (drug expert? lol) pointed out was how easy it is to have some drugs (which are considered prescription drugs) available over the counter in the US.

i guess that doesn't contribute to this discussion as much except for ur comment on radical changes in the US health care system.
I think you guys are overreacting. I'd still like precautions when it comes to drugs of any type entering the country. We've already got corporations in this country that are killing our peopl off with drugs. You don't know how many commercials we have from law firms here about popular drugs that were marketed on TV just a few days ago that have been reported to cause death in many many people, and continue to do so. The law firms are just trying to get money, to get people to sue these companies, but the threat is still very real.

On countries with less restrictions when it comes to drug manufacturing, i'd be even more worried about what might possibly come into the united states, unless it is FDA approved(even then, i'd be cautious). Tons of drugs in the united states are not FDA approved, and yet they make it into our homes.

Besides, for the quote in the original post, can you guys do any better to make bush look bad, but mutilate his quote into something that of course sounds stupid? His actual quote didn't sound anywhere remotely as stupid as that. Fact of the matter is, there are drugs from canada that can kill you, and drugs from every country in the world probably no doubt.