Bush threatens North Korea by withholding ....ipods?


May 5, 2004
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wow first sanctions now no ipods for our little communist buddies somewhere across the world ...I think it's a little north and to the left of Numbers

The Bush administration wants
North Korea's attention, so like a scolding parent it's trying to make it tougher for that country's eccentric leader to buy iPods, plasma televisions and Segway electric scooters. The U.S. government's first-ever effort to use trade sanctions to personally aggravate a foreign president expressly targets items believed to be favored by Kim Jong Il or presented by him as gifts to the roughly 600 loyalist families who run the communist government.


GW Bush: "we'll get them where it hurts! no ipods for the commies!!!"

Kim Jong Il: "meh I'll just use the internets and buy one off e-bay ..in your face Georgie!!!"

GW Bush: "they have the internets on computers now? wow, Ok plan B: commence firing nuclear weapons ..oh and dont worry about accidentily hiting South Korea ..we'll just blame the new guy"
Oh noes no iPods? Nevar fear, I have a ****ing cd player!

Come on Boosh, you gotta do better than that.
George Bush wants everyone to use Microsoft. Let the Zune out!
It's our first time!!!!
leave us alone!
problably king jom II will order theyr bright scientist to create something like the ipod
it will show the great advance in the technology of NK
and it will look like this
I'd rather he invaded, but first step for the great great struggle!
you should probably read the article before posting

yahoo said:
It is Washington's first-ever attempt to use trade penalties as a way of personally aggravating a foreign leader. They target items believed to be favored by Kim Jong Il or presented by him as gifts to the roughly 600 loyalist families who run the communist government.
We have our own variety of Bushist politicians here, fortunately they are not as powerful.
Originally Posted by yahoo
It is Washington's first-ever attempt to use trade penalties as a way of personally aggravating a foreign leader. They target items believed to be favored by Kim Jong Il or presented by him as gifts to the roughly 600 loyalist families who run the communist government.

What, and thats a bad thing? I imagine Jim Kung Il will survive whatever future wars we might have with the North Korean leader and even manage to be hired under Microsoft where, despite his administrations fall, he'll still yet have a job as the former leader of his country to dance accross our television scenes mocking our victory as a blackish Jim Kung Il'ish silhouette with a nifty new iPod. He'll probably be listening to stomp or something.
The guy kidnapped a SK film maker so he could make an over the top Godzilla like film starring.......himself.

If he wants a F*cking Ipod he'll get a ****ing Ipod.
The guy kidnapped a SK film maker so he could make an over the top Godzilla like film starring.......himself.

If he wants a F*cking Ipod he'll get a ****ing Ipod.
