Bush's Secret Memos Revealed


Aug 24, 2008
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The current DOJ released documents kept secret by the Bush Admin. in the weeks that followed 9/11.

The legal memo was written about a month after the Sept. 11 terror attacks. It says constitutional protections against unlawful search and seizure would not apply to terror suspects in the U.S., as long as the president or another high official authorized the action.

Another memo showed that, within two weeks of Sept. 11, the administration was contemplating ways to use wiretaps without getting warrants.

"First Amendment speech and press rights may also be subordinated to the overriding need to wage war successfully," Yoo [the author of the memo] wrote, adding later: "The current campaign against terrorism may require even broader exercises of federal power domestically."

Probably won't find this surprising in the least, I just thought I'd share that some of the secrets are blatantly out.

You just KNOW people will still defend him, "He did what was necessary in a time of war."

Whereas those same people would never even begin to afford Obama that kind of luxury of ignorance.

They would let Bush lead them into hell, but wouldn't let Obama lead them into heaven. That's how blind these people have become.
very interesting to see this. its been like a 5+ weeks into office and all ready we are seeing some major shifts in policy. keep em coming!
As long as the secret memo doesn't say "Operation Terrify the Nation has succeeded".
this seems minor in comparison to the lies that brought about the war in iraq. Funny how mainstream media is just now jumping on the nail bush for crimes against america bandwagon. they've had their collective heads stuck in the sand for the last 8 years. it seems disingenuous. anyways it's better than nothing
Let's wait to see what Fox, Malkin & Rush have to say about it..just for the laughs :LOL: