But lesbian! (vector art)


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
So I came across this image in a *cough* hentai doujin and I just really thought it was an amazing piece of art, and I wanted to do something with it.

So, throw about 40 hours of line-work, gradient fills, and other shit that Flash is not meant to do (like soft shading on the skin), and you get something like this!


For a much bigger (1944x2074) and uncensored version, clicky here: (warning, tits)

Click me!

To see the original picture I worked from clicky here: (tits again) http://www.pixelatomy.com/stuff/kiss/kisssauce.jpg

In before animesux or demgirlsbeyoung. Or datshitiseasierinphotoshopyounoob.

WIP pics:



He posted me periodic updates the whole time he was doing it. I think it's pretty cool and very well done! The fact that it's vector art makes it really impressive.
Edit: See wip pics in OP

Everything but the skin was done in a method like you see in that first picture. Bunch of lines drawn in basically tracing out the edges of all the complex shading, and then I went in with either a basic fill or linear gradient fill.

The skin was way more complex. Since there is no airbrush tool in Flash, I had to do several layers of radial, linear, and softened edge gradients to achieve the look.
Well you can see for yourself, it's linked in the OP.

I agree though. There are a few things I'm not quite happy with, but the thing about me is I can never go back and fix shit once I tell myself I'm done. Which might be a good thing...?

Thanks for checking it out toasty :D
Thats pretty awesome. Nice work man. The only problem I see with it is...

Well, you know.
I'll assume it's the Anime part you don't like Krynn, and not the boobs part or the girls slobbering all over each other.
Question: Did you draw this completely separately, or is this merely a retouch of the original. I assume from the praise it's the former.
It's completely redrawn/colored/shaded. Though traced over the original of course. I can't draw that well even from reference.
I'll assume it's the Anime part you don't like Krynn, and not the boobs part or the girls slobbering all over each other.

I'm all for breasts and slobber, but anime? Thats just perverted.
Wait, so what about the original made it an amazing piece of art.
The heat and mood of the moment is really expressed well. What with the heavy blushing, the drool, the open mouths. Just really struck me.

Thanks everyone.
The heat and mood of the moment is really expressed well. What with the heavy blushing, the drool, the open mouths. Just really struck me.

Thanks everyone.


Oh f*ckity man having been using illustrator hard core recently that's pretty intensssssss well done.

*not fapping*
Ask him to PM it to you and you can scale it up till it's the size of your wall but maybe if he's used raster blurs you won't be able to.
Ask him to PM it to you and you can scale it up till it's the size of your wall but maybe if he's used raster blurs you won't be able to.

Nope it's 100% vector. Nothing but lines, fills, linear and radial gradients.

Can scale it up as much as I want.

Thanks everyone.
Very impressive! Not the usual kind of thing I'd look at for a long time, but this was really well done!
I fully endorse this product and/or event.
It's impressive what you have done from a technical point of view but the imagine is f*ck ugly.
There is much better erotic art out there anime style or whatever. The girl on the left looks especially retarded.
Is it wrong that I want to masturbate over this?

I mean they are like, 14?

**** it.
It's okay to fiddle cartoon kiddies because they will only get cartoon trauma.
Good skills, but Illustrator is a much broader app to invest time in if you want to go down the vector art route. Esp as you can bring photoshop effects into the mix without having to save out elements.
Vegeta's a masochist when it comes to making art.

@ this thread: learn to fap differently.
Veggie: That original pic sucked. And so did the doujin.

Wait, shit.

Good vector though.

/EDIT Having looked at the doujin again, I retract the statement about the doujin. But the original picture still sucks.

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