Buying a Cheap PC in the UK


Aug 21, 2008
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I'm thinking of buying a new computer, basically because the one I've currently got has a few problems with it (keeps restarting itself if I have it on for more than a few hours, and I've been trying for ages to figure out what's wrong with it but to no avail), and it's not worth spending the money getting it fixed (especially since I'm not 100% sure what's wrong with it anyway).

So anyway, I'm thinking about buying a Dell Vostro 200, in the following configuration:

Pentium? Dual-Core processor E2200 (2.20GHz, 800MHz, 1MB cache), 2048MB 667MHz Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM [2x1024], 256MB ATI? Radeon? HD 3650 graphics card

This costs 277 quid, including VAT/ delivery. I'm wondering, for playing Half-Life 2, would this be much faster than my current system? I currently have a system with: Athlon 64 3000+, 1.5gb RAM, Radeon 9550.

Also, a year or so ago, I bought 1gb of extra ram for my current computer. I'm wondering, is it likely that I would be able to transfer this over to the DELL one? Apparently my ram is: 184 pin, unbuff DIMM 128mx64, ddr pc3200, pb free, whatever all that means.

So yeah, thanks, if anyone could help me out with those questions that'd be great. Cheers.
Build your own. Cheaper, better performance, and just generally more bang for your buck. There's plenty of threads detailing about optimal builds and whatnot, so dig around or ask.

As for your ram question, it's generally not a good idea to mix and match RAM. In your case, your old RAM is way too old and wouldn't be wise to combine it into that system. Ram's cheap nowadays anyway, so don't skimp out there.
No, you won't be able to put the old ram into your new PC. Your new PC will only support DDR2, the stick you bought a year ago is DDR.

I would suggest picking individual parts on your own like AiM said. In pre-built pcs, the motherboard rarely supports more than what's already in it, so upgrading is mostly out of the question. These mainboards also rarely have any ability to overclock anything.
On the other hand, if you can't be bothered to build your own I highly recommend PCSpecialist. You get to choose every component from a very wide selection and you'll be amazed how low the prices are.
On the other hand, if you can't be bothered to build your own I highly recommend PCSpecialist. You get to choose every component from a very wide selection and you'll be amazed how low the prices are.

I really want something reliable, that's the only thing. But say, from those guys, I wanted something that is basically the same speed as my current Athlon 64 3000. What's the cheapest I could get something like that?

The thing is, I could actually probably just keep the memory/ graphics card/ hd/ operating system/ dvd drive I have, so I would really only need a replacement case, power supply, motherboard and processor. I'm pretty sure with my current PC the problem is just related to the power supply/ motherboard. So do you know what's the cheapest I could get a barebones case/processor etc. for from those guys? I'd want it put together too, obviously...

BTW that 277 quid Dell I mentioned. I'm guessing that would be a shitload faster for HL2 than my current PC right?

Thanks for the responses anyway.