Buying an XBOX 360


Dec 29, 2004
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Finally I've decided to get myself an XBOX 360. After I sold my Gamecube I've really missed those late nights when you were lying on the bed and playing games so I'm going to get the 360 in about 22 days.

Alan Wake, Gears Of War, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Dead Rising and Resident Evil 5 are the main reasons why I'll buy a 360 but those games are still not near release except Splinter Cell and Dead Rising which should be released sometime in august/september.

What games should I get for now?
I mainly play Oblivion and PES (XBox) on my 360. I also like a little CoD2, Table Tennis, and GRAW (which has a decent single player game) on Live.

Do you like racing games? PGR3 and Burnout are worth checking out.

There's some good games around, but like you i'm waiting on quite a few titles (a few of which you mentioned). I predict the 360 really coming into its own soon, and only getting stronger from there ..... I can't wait for Mass Effect and Jade Empire 2 (and KOTOR 3, which is bound to be made on the 360 eventually). Bioware ftw.
Forgot to mention that I'll need to buy a good pair of surround headphones too, those Creative HQ-2300 they any good?

Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighter will be my first game, it was crap on PC and far from as good looking as it is on 360 :D
My latest additions are Condemned, Blood money and Far Cry Predator. I used to play alot of Oblivion until a mysterious ring appeared around the disc and crashed after every 10 minutes. So now I don't.

I also have Quake 4 and Perfect Dark 0. Both are pretty meh games.
I heard Far Cry was shit on consoles, but I might buy Condemned and Blood Money even If I've played both on PC pretty much already but playing Condemned with a wireless controller in the middle of the night could be great fun =D
Far cry Instincts is the game Far Cry wanted to be. It is much more fun, with a far better story and the gameplay is a little sharper. Its obviously a great deal more linear, but it isn't like Far cry PC used that to any great extent any way. FCI > FC.
Samon said:
Far cry Instincts is the game Far Cry wanted to be. It is much more fun, with a far better story and the gameplay is a little sharper. Its obviously a great deal more linear, but it isn't like Far cry PC used that to any great extent any way. FCI > FC.

Does FC: Predator have huge environments like Far Cry or?
Its obviously a great deal more linear

Yes and no. It is pretty linear, don't stray off the given path much but some levels are pretty long, and there is a big bunch of jungle action - and it plays so much better than Far Cry ever did.
Most definately Oblivion. If you need a game to play late at night on your bed then that is definately it. I found CoD2 a bit hard to play compared to the PC version but its not bad.
I've played lots of Oblivion on PC, it's awesome but it's repetitive, all the dungeons look the same and what not :/
I'll consoder getting one as a second console after Wii.

There are no games that really grab me the balls and shake me around and say "Buy me or I pull harder" yet. But there are some in the future.
Reginald said:
I'll consoder getting one as a second console after Wii.

There are no games that really grab me the balls and shake me around and say "Buy me or I pull harder" yet. But there are some in the future.

Yeah, there's nothing out right now that I want. The only thing that looks awesome is that Dead Rising game.

I'll probably get the 360 after it's down to like $200 :P
AmishSlayer said:
Yeah, there's nothing out right now that I want. The only thing that looks awesome is that Dead Rising game.

I'll probably get the 360 after it's down to like $200 :P
I second that. Dead Rising looks like tons of fun, but that's really all I would care about as I already have Oblivion for the PC and nothing else impresses me enough atm.
True, there are very few interesting games out atm, I can only think of Ghost Recon: Advanced War Fighter which is a great game if you're using Xbox Live which I of course intend to do =>

They've just released an update called Chapter 2 which will add lots of new content to the original game, such as new weapons, 12 new maps with great lightning compared to the original maps and possibilities to change face textures, glasses and hats on each character.

The PC version was shite compared to this, I just love the "over the shoulded" camera view they're using, just like in Resident Evil 4. Can't wait for Gears Of War though, Im so excited about that game :D