Buying computer parts


Aug 28, 2005
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I've been looking into some new computer parts recently. I've decided to buy a new motherboard, processor, RAM, and a video card. The hard drives, disc drives, and everything else will stay though.

This is my first time doing anything this major, as the only hardware related things i've done were adding a hard drive, some RAM, and a video card. Is there anything I should know about installing a motherboard or processor (I have some guides that will help me put them together, but I mean other problems that may come up.)? Even some of the most obvious things, you should probably tell me.

I belive the parts I'm getting are all combatable, but I want to be perfectly sure, so I dont go and blow $700 on parts that wont work together. I'm pretty sure they'll also work for the parts I already have.

Video Card
RAM (x 2, for 2 GB)

Thank you for taking your time.
I got some advice. Don't forget your standoffs!
thats all ya need to know.
I got some adivce also: Boo Intel.

And yes, those screws that your motherboard sits on (standoffs) are very important, so be sure to secure the motherboard with a screw in every hole. (actually, the ones with a metal ring around them are the important ones...they're for grounding as far as I know)

But the guides probably let you know everything you should anyway...
btw i noticed that it is a Matx bored basically the motherboard size of most computers from companys like dell,hp,compaq. also i recommend you get amd they are must faster,cheaper and run cooler then any p4
One more not buy cheap..if you can't afford it, do NOT buy something cheaper, save up.

I recommend a dual core processor with an SLI motherboard 2gig's (or more) of RAM and a relatively good soundcard..go with the creative X-FI. If you can't afford it.. WAIT!!!

Also the best videocard or almost the best videocard.
great advice, buy the most expensive of everything:imu:
Thanks for responding.

I'm thinking about getting the motherboard and processor Idonotbelonghere mentioned, but staying with the rest.