buying new comp!!!


May 12, 2004
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ok i was shopping around wich one of these are the best:

Comp 1


also im getting a new graphics card so dont look at that wich one is better for gaming?
neither build your own, some people will twell you how exactly, and what parts to get
there was no point in posting this wont get the response you want. All you will get is BUILD YOUR OWN.

but I would take the 1st comp. then when you get it just buy a new video card and its good to go.
A bit overpriced considering you could buy all the same parts for much less.
The first PC has an add-in graphics card over the onboard graphics.
The first PC has an Athlon 64 over an Athlon XP.
The first PC has PC3200 memory instead of PC2700.
The first PC has a DVD+/-RW drive instead of + only.
The first PC has a CD-ROM drive for Drive-to-Drive copying.
The first PC has a SATA drive instead of IDE.
The first PC has Farcry.

The only good things I can see for the HP is that it is a dual-layer DVD burner (but the discs cost a lot of $$) and it has a bigger harddrive.
Unless of course you count MS Works as a plus... :LOL:
im decided to get a cutom comp with all the specs in the first comp:)
Arman, do not buy from Radioshack! Go to, get one from them, you can pick it up on Broadway, or have it delivered free..