Buying original half-life?


Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score

Ok so I need to set up a new account for a relative, however steam has changed things somewhat since I bought my version. All I can find is the annoying Anthology versions which valve seems to think I will pay for free mods.
Anyway, I want purchase a single half-life box and have access to everything half-life, dod, cs etc. Is this even possible now? If I try and find an old version on ebay or something will the key still give everything, or just half-life? If anyone knows somewhere I can buy from the uk it would be greatly apprechiated :)

key should still work if it was from the game of the year edition
dynamicx said:
Is this even possible now? If I try and find an old version on ebay or something will the key still give everything, or just half-life?
I would imagine it would, but with the proviso that the person who is selling the game to you hasn't already tied the CD-key to their own Steam account. Dealing through ebay is problematic when it comes to Steam-games sadly. Did you buy Opposing Force or Blue Shift seperately? The Word always used to be that the Half-Life, Opposing Force and Blue Shift CD-Keys would all grant you exactly the same privileges on Steam, so technically if you owned all three, you could use one CD-Key for yourself and give the two others to someone else. Not sure if that still works, or what it'd net you nowadays, but worth a try.

Otherwise, yes it does seem that Valve and Electronic Arts have seen fit to split what the Sierra CD-keys would grant you into two seperate packages. Ridiculously, they'll set you back 20 quid plus. Yes you get a lot of games for that money, but forcing people to buy Counter Strike when it was a free-mod is a little off. I guess they needed to do it to make it possible to shift Condition Zero, because who in their right mind would buy Condition Zero on its own :p ?

If you're feeling very generous, you could buy the Valve Complete Pack over Steam :p That would fill out their account and it is good value, but £43 Though :D