Bye Bye Fast Food


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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I'm quitting cold turkey, I'm sick of that feeling I get after pigging out on a meal of absolute junk. For the last few days I have been cooking "good" food and I noticed I've started to feel better. Regardless of whether or not it's the physical sensations I just feel better about myself.

I also dislike contributing to the meat companies, but that isn't my primary reason to do this. I think a major reason I've relied on fast food so much is out of pure laziness. I'd rather get my meal without leaving the car instead of going grocery shopping! I'm 25 years old so I'm too old to be acting so childish.

Anyway, I have a few doctor appointments coming up so I'm going to see the difference in my body and I might even post the results if anyone is interested. It's almost a "Super Size Me" type thing except my camera crew is on vacation :)

Who's with me!?
I always go through little stints like this. "Maybe I should start eating better, less eating out." While I have done that to an extent, I still like to go out and just pig out. Then again, I drink beer every night *My gut s hows it* so I don't think I really have any saying on how I should be eating.
Hell no. I used to cook my own food, but got lazy and found that fast food filled me up more.
Can't do any harm Ty. Especially since you may have high blood pressure. Clogged veins from shitty fast food won't help with that, so this is a good start.

I just got done with my daily exercise routine and I've got two flame broiled meatless burgers on the grill ATM. **** yea.
I only ever eat fast food regularly during exam periods.
Tyguy said:
I also dislike contributing to the meat companies

but still eat meat. you're still contributing to the same meat companies. unless it's free range it's ALL factory farming under the same types of conditions (obviously some are worse than others)

anyways good luck dumping fast food, even though if you eat a balanced diet the occasional fastfood isnt bad for you
I am trying to get back to my old diet of a couple years back which limits fast food to once a week. I'll see how it goes. I lost over 40lbs last time I did this within 8 months.

Anyone using the daily plate or other food tracking web sites:
what are we talking about here? because fast food is mcdonalds but it's also pizza, or hot dogs or hamburgers any of which you can make at home; high in fat , additives and perservatives and especially salt

however you can still eat these foods and be healthy

extra lean ground beef, no mayo, whole wheat bread, veggies to go with the burger, lightly barbequed with the grease drained out etc

same goes for pizza, hand rolled dough, real tomato paste, not processed cheese, no heavy fat/high sodium toppings like peperoni (if you must, go to itralian deli and buy real pepperoni, not the shit that comes in a bag and is pink
Fast food is hideous. I don't know why I eat it. No, I know why I eat it; I'm ****ING HUNGRY

I gotta learn to carry around some cabrinossi instead
Important factors in healthy eating:

-Overall calories, you must count them if you are trying to lose weight.

-Dietary micronutrient content (vitamins and minerals), most people are deficient in magnesium for example, magnesium deficiency leads to insulin resistance, insulin resistance leads to death, selenium and zinc are vital for edogenous antioxidant production (far more important than exogenous)

-Avoid seed/vegetable oils (sunflower, rape etc) high omega 6:3 ratio increases inflamation, heart disease, diabetes risk due to oxidative stress and cell membrane fluidity changes.

-Avoid excessive fructose (sugar, i.e sucrose is 50% fructose by mass, high fructose corn syrup is usually 55% fructose, fruits like apples are higher in fructose)
Fructose has very negative effects of hepatic insulin sensitivity, fatty liver.
Basically cut out fizzy drinks, cakes, sweets, etc.

-Avoid trans fats, these are very detrimental to cell membrane function and thus insulin sensitivity.

-Don't worry too much about fat intake, providing it is from natural foods like grass fed beef, nuts, fish, eggs.
Do not eat margarine, processed veg oils like sunflower/canola etc.

-Dietary cholesterol is nothing to worry about whatsoever, it does not effect blood cholesterol levels, in fact the body produces far more cholesterol itself than what you could eat in a day.

-Eat whole, natural foods. (meat, fish, nuts, grains, low fructose fruit like berries, roots, tubers, veg)

-Make sure any grain foods are well cooked and wholegrain, preferably they should be fermented in the traditional manner as this reduces phytate concentration (which binds and thus blocks magnesium)

-Get a good amount of protein in the diet (from fish, eggs, meat)

what are we talking about here? because fast food is mcdonalds but it's also pizza, or hot dogs or hamburgers any of which you can make at home; high in fat , additives and perservatives and especially salt

however you can still eat these foods and be healthy

extra lean ground beef, no mayo, whole wheat bread, veggies to go with the burger, lightly barbequed with the grease drained out etc

same goes for pizza, hand rolled dough, real tomato paste, not processed cheese, no heavy fat/high sodium toppings like peperoni (if you must, go to itralian deli and buy real pepperoni, not the shit that comes in a bag and is pink

I agree a lot of this stuff you can make healthy at home, you can't with fast food. When you go to a place like McDonalds you will probably consume over 1000 calories in a single meal which is absolutely insane.
Don't listen to these people! Cut it out of your life for good. I've haven't had fast food in 3 weeks and I feel much better.

And yes, listen to mindless_moder. A George foreman grill makes a world of difference.
I'm quitting cold turkey, I'm sick of that feeling I get after pigging out on a meal of absolute junk. For the last few days I have been cooking "good" food and I noticed I've started to feel better. Regardless of whether or not it's the physical sensations I just feel better about myself.

I also dislike contributing to the meat companies, but that isn't my primary reason to do this. I think a major reason I've relied on fast food so much is out of pure laziness. I'd rather get my meal without leaving the car instead of going grocery shopping! I'm 25 years old so I'm too old to be acting so childish.

Anyway, I have a few doctor appointments coming up so I'm going to see the difference in my body and I might even post the results if anyone is interested. It's almost a "Super Size Me" type thing except my camera crew is on vacation :)

Who's with me!?

Already ahead of you but congrats on kicking the habit. :cheers:

I feel much more content with myself to once I gave up the soda and sugar crap.

I still risk the occasional chip shop supper but I have a fast motabilism so as long as I've cut back and stay active its all good.

Clearly missed out on something here but... you're back?! :D

I eat healthily all the time. I reckon it's the only reason I am not morbidly obese based on the amount of exercise I do (hardly any: jog once a week... does working in a coffee shop count?).

I bought a George Foreman grill today to squeeze some extra fat out of my meals. You feel so much better about yourself if you do that. :D
Good move, Ty. I was really into fastfood eating - BK, KFC, Taco Bell, you name it. I stopped eating the fast food garbage and drinking sweet, carbonated beverages close to two years now. It's been worth it - I feel better physically, am more active, and actually save money. I'd never go back.
The problem is it's not just fast food. Almost anything you can think of in our diets is horrendously bad for you, especially stuff that you would buy ready made for lunch. A lot of supermarket sandwiches are worse for you than a Big Mac. There's 100 calories in a teaspoon of mayo. Cheese is just pure fat. Fizzy drinks, sweets, crisps, all terrible for you. Beer is really fattening too.

I've cut out all the fast food, and 90% of the shit from my diet in the last few weeks. And no casual drinking at home. I used to grab a KFC or something fairly regularly as I work and socialise miles from where I live, and it always seems like a total waste of petrol to go home for dinner inbetween. But apparently one of those KFC variety meals has around 1500 calories in it. A single KFC chicken breast has 280 calories and 28 grams of fat...ridiculous.

I feel a hell of a lot better and more energetic for it, definitely lost weight aswell. Lapsed a bit the other day, they do these baguettes down the road from work which have chicken fillet, cheese and mayo. Delicious. I used to have that or similar most days. Had one the other day after weeks of mostly healthy eating, and I felt like absolute shit all afternoon. Even the bread is unhealthy, I didn't realise it but bread is really calorific.

They say you should have 2500 calories a day, but I reckon that's based on a moderately active lifestyle. If you're like me and get virtually no exercise because you sit on your arse all day at work and absolutely nothing is walking distance, it's probably more like 1500 calories to maintain weight?

It's a shame Japanese food isn't easily accessible and cheap. So tasty, and so healthy too.
I don't like mayo, so I avoid such sandwiches automatically. The ones without are usually not too bad, if you can find any.
I don't care. No, wait, that's trolling.

I have a terrible diet too, but I don't eat much fast food.
Good for you. I don't eat much fast food. I have several friends in the next town over, and when I visit them I usually grab some then (on average, about once a week). But seriously, we would all be better off without it. The problem is that it is quite filling, cheap, and if you're a lazy sod like me, far easier.
I don't like mayo, so I avoid such sandwiches automatically. The ones without are usually not too bad, if you can find any.

That's my weakness, I love the stuff. :|

I've got into ham salad baguettes with mustard instead, really tasty and not a stodgy pile of fatty goop. Either that or one of those Sainsburys packs of sushi, or an assortment of salady bits makes a good lunch.
The problem with mayo compared to other dressings/sauces is that the taste is weaker so you need more of it if you want to taste it. Pesto and mustard are superior in that respect.
That, and in a lot of cases it isn't used so much as a dressing to put "on top" but as a base for a filling. eg. tuna mayo, must be SO bad for you.

Hmm I love pesto, but I can't imagine it in sandwiches?
It's great in sandwiches, red pesto too.
Cheese ? all fat? News to me. It has a lot of protein at least.

Some fat is necessary anyway, it's trans fats that are absolutely catastrophic. They are made in a lab and our digestive system has no idea what it is, and it just stores it in our bodies.

I bought some low fat mayo for the first time recently. It's got olive oil in it for flavor. It's not bad, but not really good either. I rarely use it. Certain sandwiches and other things really taste better with mayo IMO.
If you don't like fast food then don't eat it, period. I myself eat pizza or a burger roughly once a week, everything else is an OK diet I would say.
I feel the same whether I'm eating healthy or unhealthy, so I really don't buy that "instant good feeling" the OP talked about, but then again the body reacts differently from person to person...

Also I really don't get how some people can stand eating burgers every day... :x
I don't like barely anything, so I eat the same things for decades:



eggs on English muffins
Grilled cheese sandwich

every once in a while I add or remove something from the list, and then eat only that for a few months

lately I've been making tacos with veggie 'meat'. I use taco bell brand seasoning, some shredded cheese, sour cream, lettuce, diced tomatoes and chillies, and taco sauce. It tastes exactly like any other taco really. Better IMO
yea, I used to run cross country and I competed in the high jump on the track & field team so I gave up fast food and soft drinks. But I couldn't resist the urge to go back to wendy's once I left the teams. It's just so damn delicious. I'm about 180lbs (81kg) now, but I used to weigh 150lbs (68kg).

I'm such a fattie.
Here's the thing.

If most of your diet is really good, 20% of 'junk' will not harm you (providing it dosn't have trans fats or toxic substances, i.e if you ate 20% of your diet as vodka) providing it's within calorie bounds.

The human body evolved with a variety of diets, if you follow these rough guidelines any little variance will not harm you, one can of coke a day isn't much of a problem with a good diet, if that becomes a 2 litre bottle a day then problems will start to set in.

Junk food becomes a problem when:
-It puts your total calorie intake up and makes you fat.
-Being nutritionally sparse it dilutes the overall nutrient content of your diet.
haven't had a mcdonalds or similar in years.
I usually don't eat much fast food, thankfully, but I hardly eat healthy. My version of eating good is going to the store, buying some chicken/pork chops/hamburger meat/polish saussages and cookin' them on the grill while opening a can of Corn or Green Beans.

Mmmmm...I think I'm going to grill tonight.
I have the most ridiculous metabolism ever. I could eat virtually anything with no effect. So yeah, I eat fast food.
I have the most ridiculous metabolism ever. I could eat virtually anything with no effect. So yeah, I eat fast food.

I used to be that way, but then beer came into the picture. Ruined my metabolisms ass.
Hahaha, I don't drink mother****er. I WILL EAT EVERY THING FOREVER.