C&C: Generals


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, I just got my arse kicked by a computer set on medium in Zero Hour. Admittedly he was playing as a GLA... something (Demo General? I think) and I have no idea how to counter that as a Stealth General, because I was focusing on my tunnel rush and this medium computer just completely dominated the map. Anyone got any tips and tricks for Generals or just really good experiences? Tips for the GLA Stealth General would be nice, I enjoy using him.
The most common tactic to win using the stealth general is to build a tunnel network near their base on the map somewhere (and it will be stealth) - then keep sending units through it attacking one side of their base. Use the rebel ambush generals power + camouflage to put them behind enemy lines and capture buildings. Put hijackers & Jarmen Kell in front of your base defences. Camo entire base & use GPS Scrambler on a horde of scorpions / rocket buggies :D
Doing an aggresive rush vs comp AI is generally a bad idea, since they have an economic advantage over you (I know Hard they definately have cheats, not sure about Medium). You'd be better off attempting to secure the Oil Derricks and $$ crates / supply areas rather than doing a direct rush. I'd recommend you play as one of the Chinese / USA generals as well, they're much easier to start with.

Oh and make good use of Suicide Bombers (put them in technicals for best results ;)), they kick some major ass IF you decide to stick with GLA.
My favourite general is Demo. A sneak attack of rocket buggies and a sucide rebel ambush does wonders.
I'll stick with the Stealth General since I really like to use him. Is there any other awesome things to do with him besides basic tunnel rush? What if you're fighting multiple opponents?
BTW, stay AWAY from Zero Hour.

That was the first game I truly used as a cupholder. I literally took a knife to the bottom of the disk and put a cup of ice water on it when I was done.
General Tao fixes them all with a stomp from the thermonuclear boot of the people's democratic republic of china.

Or be the infantry general, fight "from high place". swarms of those chinese infantry guys overwhelm everything.. as long as you have a few thousand. they're like those ants that can eat humans.

or be the tank general, and just pulverise everything with a column of 50 overlords. They are large. you virtually crush everything beneath them into a road leading straight to your enemies.
Yeah, my friend did that to me... I just couldn't stop the bastard. I used 9 angry mobs and minced a whole column of them, but they just kept coming! They just... kept coming... *melts in blubbering heap*

What's wrong with Zero Hour? It's fun! And there's so much micromanagement involved in getting terrorists in technicals. Aren't they more effective on bikes?
Rocket buggies can destroy Overlords without being scratched if you have enough time. Alternativly bomb trucks can do wonders if the other player isn't paying attention. Stealthed rocket buggies (I <3 rocket buggies) or a Demolitions Jarmen Kell (<3 favourite hero) destroying a few war factories works well.

I remember I was playing in an internet café and the first attack I made was rigging half of someone's base with remote demo charges. I set them off, hear a "What the hell?!" from across the room and stole one of his dozers (Airforcem my second favourite ^_^)
The air general is my favorite, he's really good against everybody exept the infantry and stealth general. He's especially good against the tank general.
The air general is my favorite, he's really good against everybody exept the infantry and stealth general. He's especially good against the tank general.
I find tank general far superior to the AF general. I regularly play tank general more than any other, and I've never lost to AF. The reason being AF has no tanks (crusader or paladin) so ground resistance is nothing compared to battlemasters (with autoloaders) and emporer overlords. Gattling tanks & gattling cannons on the OL's are very cheap and mow through King Raptors, and auroras aren't accurate enough to bomb specific mobile tanks. With 25 tanks moving forward, the AF general doesnt have a chance.
I find tank general far superior to the AF general. I regularly play tank general more than any other, and I've never lost to AF. The reason being AF has no tanks (crusader or paladin) so ground resistance is nothing compared to battlemasters (with autoloaders) and emporer overlords. Gattling tanks & gattling cannons on the OL's are very cheap and mow through King Raptors, and auroras aren't accurate enough to bomb specific mobile tanks. With 25 tanks moving forward, the AF general doesnt have a chance.

The US rocket guys with the laser sights on the go really rip through some of those china tanks. I generaly fill a humve with 4 rocket guys 1 sniper + the tow on top. Really rips alot of damage if you use them right.

Secondly 2 stelth bombers kick the arses of the builder veichels. Basicly get 2 asap and just keep killing them builders. Not only do you lvl real quick so you can start getting down the major damage you are also forcing your competitor to spend 1k a go on new builders and when you only start with 10k its quite a kick in the teeth.
I find tank general far superior to the AF general. I regularly play tank general more than any other, and I've never lost to AF. The reason being AF has no tanks (crusader or paladin) so ground resistance is nothing compared to battlemasters (with autoloaders) and emporer overlords. Gattling tanks & gattling cannons on the OL's are very cheap and mow through King Raptors, and auroras aren't accurate enough to bomb specific mobile tanks. With 25 tanks moving forward, the AF general doesnt have a chance.

With 25 you could kick my ass, but getting to those 25 is a though road.
Remember I can quickly send raptors to haras you, I can also send a chinook full of missle infantry that can fire from the chinook. And also infantry that can take over your buildings.
But by far the worst are the stealth comanches.
And then even if you get those tanks, then you have to get trough my ground defense, without artilerry thats going to be hard.
The aurora's guarantee that all your superweapons wil be destoryed, and they are also great to punch a small hole in your defense, and send in the stealth commanches to wreak havoc on you.

And lets not forget the carpet bomb I get for free.

Still though he is not overpowered, and I'm sure it's up to the players skill, but I like him because if something really needs to be done and it needs to be done quickly he can do it, the airplanes wil hit fast and hard.
And all the really powerful specials are ace.. MOAB! BOOM!!!
Man, the MOAB is really spectacular.

Who gets the EMP Patriot missiles? Superweapons General?
Funnily enough 2 of my friends like to superweapon-play but they both dislike the superweapons general and use the laser general instead (not all the time of course), which just makes taking out their power hit them even harder.
*thinks about the usual propaganda spiel but doesn't even though most of the posters here are members of The Brotherhood >.<*

Yeah, good game
