C&C3 Latest


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Haha! Finally we have some juicy C&C3 stuff!

Go here

Keep an eye out for the Leipzig Conference Guys..can only hope it is some Nod info we will get there :D

Four images also posted, my favourite has to be


If you look at the actual url of each picture you will get more info on it. The third picture full size actually says that the boats we have seen are Orca Carriers :bounce:

Remember, keep eyes on the cncnation forums for your Command and Conquer needs :cheese:
Ya i saw the shots this morning. Amazing and will only get better the closer we get to release.
lol, still fail to impress me

same game, different graphics
"He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past."

Somebody's been listening to RATM, methinks :p
lol, still fail to impress me

same game, different graphics

maybe you're just not a big fan of the genre

Generals was a decent game
and red alert... well come on, we all know how awesome that was
hopefully they'll be able to deliver again
lookin good
I really can't wait for this!

Perhaps this will become the new LAN game of choice...

Until Red Alert 3 that is ;)