
Mar 16, 2007
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anyone knows any info on their album that will be released. dates, music, songs anything!!???? ive searched the whole net and can't find anything..
Something I read in the paper... He's like
"OMG we're writing a song, which will be the best song by anyone ever"
And then I burnt the paper.
Goddamnit, they BROKE UP.

Bands these days can't stay ****ing dead even if their life depends on it...

how dare you say coldplay broke up...they are my favourite band!!
Don't get my hopes up bad hat, i can't find anything on them breaking up....but a man can dream.

According to wiki, the album is slated for sometime this year....i doubt even brian eno will be able to save this pretentious piece of shit.....

Aww shit, stupid rumour mill. Sorry folks.

Oh well... they've had a couple good songs in the past. Odds are they'll have another sometime in the future ;)
Coldplay is ****ing AWFUL

Politik and Yellow are the only songs I enjoyed, other than that it's all the same shit over and over
They did call it a day, at least for a while. They did it at some awards show.

Who cares though, Coldplay are immensely boring. Beyond belief.
Yeah they've done a few awesome tunes, but I think they're way past the peak anyway.
Yeah, judging from their singles like Yellow, you'd think they were one of the hottest 'new' bands. Buy the album and you will be like .. wtf. I thought this was alt-rock. It's quite soft.

It's not bad, it's just not my thing. I like burn this place down (or whatever it's called) live. Their live stuff has a great sound, though, still doesn't do much for me. Turn down the vocals with your equalizer. It's way overbearing.

I've been listening to breaking benjamin, godsmack, and tool lately, when I listen to rock.
I liked "In My Place" for the brief moments when Chris Martin wasn't shitting over it with his vocals and lyrics.

I quite enjoy "Don't Panic" though.
The only aongs I liked by them were Clocks and Sparks.

But, do you know how I know you're gay?
Politics aside, I enjoy listening to Coldplay. Although I feel that X&Y was no patch on Rush of Blood or Parachutes, it still had some great songs on it.

I'll enjoy the new stuff, no doubts there.

xlucidx said:
But, do you know how I know you're gay?
Because I macramed myself a pair of jean shorts?
Coldplay is great when they're playing live, at least when they were in Antwerp.

I like almost all Coldplay songs, but the X&Y album doesn't contain my favourites.
your'e all suppose to be posting on the upcoming coldplay album..
anyway, im dumb to consult a bunch of coldplay hater's but for those who love their music, here some wikinfo.

Next studio album

Early in December 2006, Coldplay's official website announced a new Latin American tour for the beginning of 2007. Coldplay toured venues in Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.[10] The band are currently in the process of writing material for their fourth studio album and are "keen to play some intimate shows to try out their new songs". In early December 2006, it was announced at Billboard.com that the next album was set for release in late 2007. The band has denied this through a Question and Answer section on their official website.

There are four known new songs: "Mining on the Moon", "The Butterfly", "The Fall of Man" and "Bucket for a Crown" (which was debuted at an unplanned appearance at a benefit for the UK charity Mencap, when the frontman Chris Martin sang it among two of Bob Dylan's songs, and When You Were Young, from The Killers cover). It is unknown whether these songs will appear on the upcoming album.

On January 26, 2007, during an interview on BBC Radio 4's Front Row, musician and producer Brian Eno revealed that he would be the producer for Coldplay's fourth album.[11] The band confirmed this through a Question and Answer section on their official website. In March 2007, famed producer Timbaland told GQ Magazine [12] that he would be collaborating with the band on their next album.

On May 1, 2007, Coldplay.com was shut down. When the site is accessed, a note appears atop an image of the previous site, reading: We are building a new site. It will be here VERY soon. Love, Coldplay. The new site is expected to contain a theme based on the upcoming 4th album.