Call Of Cthulhu

  • Thread starter Thread starter JakeMan
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I saw a short gameplay film of this game about a year ago, it looked alot like hl2(graphics wise), completely different game. I've yet to see or even hear anymore about it, it looked really kick ass, just wondering if anyone has heard of it before, and if anyone knows any links to info or maybe release date. ? thx for help
awesome, thanks. I watched that video that was there, it is the same game, but the older one i watched was much more detailed, for instance; the character (during gameplay, first person) looked off of a bridge and it gave the person creepy tunnel vision and blured alot of things, than as he ran off, it went away. Game still looks awesome though, i hope they keep all that old stuff i saw.
It looks pretty cool tbh, never heard of the game until now.

Read in the interview at Gamespot, they said that it won’t have any kind of HUD, more similar to Resident Evil. :)
So you must have a eye on your ammunition, so you don’t go into a room full of monsters and see that you haven’t got any ammo in the gun… :D
Dark Corners of the Earth? Yes, I've heard of it, being a big Lovecraft fan. Here's the official site.
That's the only Cthulhu related game I can think of, but if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
You know, for some reason that one monster really apeals to me...
omg I thought that was a hoax... with the crowar and everything I was like call of what/?? omg no way

/babyheadcrab dies
Lovecraft is a little known writer to the general public but has a rabid following. So you kind of have to be 'in the know'. ;) Should be a fun game for anyone though.
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
omg I thought that was a hoax... with the crowar and everything I was like call of what/?? omg no way

/babyheadcrab dies

That pic circulated a few months after HL2 was released, ppl claiming to have a copy of the game would show it off.

I have been reading about this game for a while now, the insanity and no hud sounds cool. Oh yeah to check your ammo (for a revolver say) you've got to actually open the gun and check. It could be realistic, or really annoying......
Looks OK (not terribly amazing though), but isn't it kinda unethical to have a crowbar as a weapon in any other FPS game? Especially when it looks almost like the on in HL.
I remember reading about this game in some mag like back in 2000. LOL, it's taken awhile.
and err.. metallica thought lovecraftian asskissing would be helping their "sales"..


cool metallica




metallllica coooollllitallica


Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Looks OK (not terribly amazing though), but isn't it kinda unethical to have a crowbar as a weapon in any other FPS game? Especially when it looks almost like the on in HL.

Deus Ex 1 had one too. Red and everything. The copycating is somewhat outweighed by the plausibility and coolness of the crowbar as a makeshift weapon.

If one were to use a random household object as a weapon when the (inevitable) alien takeover occurs, crowbar would be in the top ten. :)
How the hell do you pronouce cutluhua, ur...culhoola, um...cttiual...cindy loo hoo.

Originally posted by nw909
How the hell do you pronouce cutluhua, ur...culhoola, um...cttiual...cindy loo hoo.


Good question .. god forbid I ever have to say it in public
he who shan't be named pronounciation:


the kth is kinda tricky though..
According to H. P. Lovecraft:

The actual sound - as nearly as human organs could imitate it or human letters record it - may be taken as something like Khlul'-hloo, with the first syllable pronounced gutturally and very thickly.

The best approximation one can make is to grunt, bark, or cough the imperfectly formed syllables Cluh-Luh with the tip of the tongue firmly affixed to the roof of the mouth. That is, if one is a human being. Directions for other entities are naturally different.
i always pronounced it "cu - thew - lue" or "Cut - Who - lew" Both r sexeh.