Call of Dusty 2 Screens - WTF Smoke?!

I have heard good things about the smoke in the game...
This has probobly been asked already, but what engine is this game using? In-house or something lisenced??
Direwolf said:
I have heard good things about the smoke in the game...
Really? They look like sprites to me. Pretty sprites, but sprites nonetheless.That said, I haven't seen the movies.
I love the idea of playing in the be-kilted Scottish regiments :) (Well, they're wearing kilts in my mind, at least)
Very Meh to me. Looks like a slightly updated version of that MOH: PA engine. Cool but nothing special
Everyone seems to be using their own engines these days...ever since half-life 2 source code was leaked.

No blood and gibs either. I'm a bit tired of comic book ww2 games anyway. Meh to this!
Call of Duty 2 Q&A

GameSpot has posted a Q&A with Vince Zampella, CEO of Infinity Ward, and Zied Rieke, the game's lead designer, as they talk about Call of Duty 2, their upcoming sequel to their military shooter. Here's a taster:

GS: We've already seen famous battles such as Stalingrad, the Battle of the Bulge, and the Fall of Berlin in the first Call of Duty game and expansion. What battles can we look forward to in Call of Duty 2, other than Toujane (which we've already seen), and is there a danger of covering ground that's been covered before?

ZR: Last thing first... The only Call of Duty battle we are returning to in Call of Duty 2 is Stalingrad, and that's just because it was so epic, so mind-bogglingly huge, and so important to the entire war that you could easily make five to six games about it and just get started on fully depicting it all by itself. Other than Stalingrad, we are also featuring the winter war where, in 1941, the German army rolled to within 20 miles of the gates of Moscow before the terrific cold and the tenacity of the Russians brought it to a halt. A new setting for us is North Africa, where we are featuring battles in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt between Montgomery's 8th Army and Field Marshal Erwin Rommel and his famous Afrika Korps. The best known of these battles is the huge and critical battle of El Alamein, where the British went so far as to make fake tank units, using wood and paint, in order to trick the Germans into defending in the wrong place. As you can see, there is so much of the war left to cover. There are also a couple more very exciting battles that we'll be showing and talking about at E3 this year.
Don't care if the game's smoke is fake, the rest of it looks awsome.
Sparta said:
Very Meh to me. Looks like a slightly updated version of that MOH:PA engine. Cool but nothing special

Except the lightmapping. Look at the shadow of the palm tree and building in the back of that scene.
Sparta said:
Very Meh to me. Looks like a slightly updated version of that MOH:PA engine. Cool but nothing special
What he said ^
nothing special =\
Pi Mu Rho said:
Except the lightmapping. Look at the shadow of the palm tree and building in the back of that scene.
Yeah but thats all standard now-a-days. Especially for upcoming games.
It's standard to have really bad, blocky lightmaps?
Some of the textures look a little bland, but apart from that it is indeed a pretty game.
I'm looking forward to Call of Dusty 2's the cowboy game where you play a cowpoke named Dusty Mcgraw, right?
Looks great to me :D The game is probably still Alpha state, so those are issues that I can brush off ;)

Looks great to me :) Maybe not a UE3, but stilll top-notch... Oh and they said that the smoke was something they are really proud of :)
I can tell just by the screens that the running animations are still going to suck.
The smoke looks wrong...real but...out of place.
And whats with the weird blocky shadowing from some of the objects (the tree)?
Other than that it looks alright I guess, meh, its not finished yet.
i remember seeing that first screenshot somewhere else and im sure there was no smoke on it

as for the game and graphics, just looks VEEEEEERY meh to me
Pi Mu Rho said:
It's standard to have really bad, blocky lightmaps?
Oh i thought you were saying those were good. **** no, they're terrible, they ruin the whole screenshot. I mean geez, even HL2 or Halo 2 have better lightmaps
CptStern said:

* CptStern puts on cowboy outfit and waits for game to be released
I'm scared of how you found that :[.

Some of the screens look good, while at the same time other screens of it put me off. Overall it's alright, price will dictate if I get it.
funny enough I fed "cowboy outfit" into google ..ok ok it was "gay cowboy outfit" :E
I dont really care about graphics wise as long as its decent, its the gameplay that kicks ass!
I hope all those little men DIE!

Looks nice, enjoyed COD alot.