Call of Duty 2 released!- First impressions thread!

I want this game on the pc . But it looks soo much better onthe xbox 360 damn controllers.
Got it tonight, i never thought my old GeForce FX 5600 could handle this game with a decent framerate, but i was wrong. The game runs smooth like a new born babys arse with optimal settings. Great game btw, defenitly worth a buy if you liked the first one..
How about MP? I never played MP for CoD 1 but heard it was pretty good.
It is just like the first one with new maps, a little bit better graphics, and some slight control changes. If you liked the first one you will like the second one. I don't know, I find that it is somewhat old now. No new weapons (that I can think of) and the maps seem relatively short. I am about 2/3 of the way through the game, which I got yesterday. No real differences between the games though besides different levels. Which we all knew.

Overall, not bad by any means. I just don't think I would get a COD3 unless it was during a different war. I would give it a 8 or 9 out of 10.
Cooper said:
It is just like the first one with new maps, a little bit better graphics, and some slight control changes. If you liked the first one you will like the second one. I don't know, I find that it is somewhat old now. No new weapons (that I can think of) and the maps seem relatively short. I am about 2/3 of the way through the game, which I got yesterday. No real differences between the games though besides different levels. Which we all knew.

Overall, not bad by any means. I just don't think I would get a COD3 unless it was during a different war. I would give it a 8 or 9 out of 10.

No new weapons? LOL keep in mind that this takes place during WW2. They cant just make up some new weapons. And the game pretty much covers all the weapons that were used during WW2...
h00dlum said:
No new weapons? LOL keep in mind that this takes place during WW2. They cant just make up some new weapons. And the game pretty much covers all the weapons that were used during WW2...

Unless they make CoD like Wolfenstein.:E
CoD 3 with missile launchers.
This game is ****ing impossible on the highest difficulty.
joule said:
I watched some in-game-footage clips and was disgusted by the lack of ragdoll physics.

No thank you.
Thats the only thing keeping me from buying this game.
I think CoD2 is the best game that has come out this fall. Feels a little short though. I only have 2\3 of the american campaign left. Unless there are more missions after that.
bam23 said:
This game is ****ing impossible on the highest difficulty.

I got to the Silo mission on the american campaign on Veteran, the previous mission where you have to clear out seven houses took me and my friend about two hours :( The Silo was just impossible, I couldn't snipe the mortar teams no matter how hard I tried, so I lowered the difficulty there. It's pretty hardcore.

Edit: I forgot to say my piece on friendly AI, it blows. Wether you're Russian, British, or American, your teammates will suck and make your life more difficult by getting in front of you during firefights and they will not never cover your back.
Anyone not buying the game, due to the lack of completely unrealistic ragdoll physics...

Is a god damn idiot.

The death animations are expertly made, and do their job well.
More of the same shit i assume.
It's got a new graphics engine....weeeee! :rolleyes:
xlucidx said:
Anyone not buying the game, due to the lack of completely unrealistic ragdoll physics...

Is a god damn idiot.

The death animations are expertly made, and do their job well.

Even though the animations are well done, the fact that the exact same animation is likely, once in a while, to be played for more than one enemy at the same time, really detracts from the immersion of the game.

It is possible to implement ragdoll physics in a slightly unrealistic way (more fun) or a realistic way (more immersive). Having death animations adds neither fun nor immersion and is a cold gust from a past that had better be forgotten.

Call of Duty 2 looks awesome, but I don't think I'll get it. If the multiplayer's anything like CoD1 it will suck, and although the singleplayer will be best evar me and my 'mad skillz' will have completed it within a few hours of getting it.
The AI is shit. The gameplay is exactly the same as the first COD. Other than that...the graphics look nice.

My advice to anybody who doesn't have it yet: Wait until it hits the bargain bin.
if you're playing a game for the physics, i don't think you should be playing games at all, but simply given tech demos/tests to spend your enjoyable time using.
I concur.

Say what you will about the COD series.....but not buying it because of a lack of ragdolls seems a little silly.

h00dlum said:
Got it tonight, i never thought my old GeForce FX 5600 could handle this game with a decent framerate, but i was wrong. The game runs smooth like a new born babys arse with optimal settings. Great game btw, defenitly worth a buy if you liked the first one..

Seriously? I played the demo on a 6800GT and it seemed kinda choppy to me. Hmm.....
Love the game, MP's like CoD1 therefore it owns in my book.
anyone actually played this above 1024 res? the demo was fine up until you went up 1 resolution setting, then it ground to a halt. Is the finished game playable on high resolution or only optimised for TV toy resolution to satisfy the console boys?
CR0M said:
anyone actually played this above 1024 res? the demo was fine up until you went up 1 resolution setting, then it ground to a halt. Is the finished game playable on high resolution or only optimised for TV toy resolution to satisfy the console boys?
Yea , the full game runs great on high-res.

im playign the britsh campaign now , so far its better than the first one and im lovin it :D
giant384 said:
how is fear better it would be no fun to play again since it wont scare you anymore

Actually, I have to disagree, I went back after the first time, and I remembered like most of the parts that would scared me like most of the Alma spots and the Jankowski appearings, and I turned corner with reassurance nothing would scare me, and I was so very wrong, they sometimes appear sooner or even sometimes later than you'd think EXACTLY, so it's very exciting going through it 2nd and 3rd time, also the multiplayer is exceptional.:cheers:
I finally played it, and I must say that it was fun.

The campaign this time around feels better and more polished than in the first game. The missions feels much better and there are no more one-man-army missions like in CoD1.
Although I personally think the British campaign is the worst compared to the Yankees and the Commies campaigns. Still it's better than average though.

Most of the time, especially big battles, the game run like utter shit on my computer. It can run well at certain areas though, but those are very rare and only happen when you are facing a wall. :P
It's also something with the scope on the sniper rifle, whenever you zoom, the frame rate just drops like if you drop a brick from a building. It makes it very hard to kill enemies, if they are running and not standing/crouching still that is.

Still, I liked CoD2 better than both the first and UO.
You will certainly like this if you liked the previous games. The gameplay are very much identical compared to the first games.

I must also say, the D-Day mission is probably the most terrific level I’ve ever played in a game yet. It really feels like you are in a battle. Really epic.

Some screenies.

A nice little pick nick ride on a sunny Sunday...

Yankees getting raped by fascists.

Nice overview on the battlefield....

Günther Fritzsson got some major oversized hands...

Tally Ho!

Lets give ém hell, boys.

Nice smoke-effect.
bvasgm said:
The AI is shit. The gameplay is exactly the same as the first COD. Other than that...the graphics look nice.

My advice to anybody who doesn't have it yet: Wait until it hits the bargain bin.
I have to wait 2 years !!!!
Wait a second......

Captain Price? As in the British Officer from the first one? Who dies?
Venmoch said:
Wait a second......

Captain Price? As in the British Officer from the first one? Who dies?

In one mission you teleport in time and save Capt. Price before his doom, only to get surrounded by an army of Germans and you got to fight your way through them alone only with a needle at your disposable. As you are about to kill the last German guy, Hitler enters the scene in a mech, much like in Wolfenstein 3D (OMG RIP-OFF, SUE ACTIVISION OMMMMMMGZZ!).
You then kill Hitler in a lot of gore and shit and then you fight these cute aliens from another other planet in which you travel to and kill their whore queen and then you blow up their planet and then the CoD2 DVD explodes in your PC causing a chain-reaction blowing up every Nuclear Plant on Earth which then destroys Earth so everyone dies... Luckily I never played that mission because I cheated using a skip-level cheat.

You just wasted 30 second of your life n00bcaeks…
Agh, I hate to jump into a thread and start talking about what was said 5 pages ago, but here goes.

I hate ragdolls. They are so stupid and unrealistic. I’ve hated them ever since playing Rainbow 6: Raven Shield, one of the first games I played that had them. I sneaked into a room where a terrorist was standing with his back to me. I pulled out my silenced pistol and slowly crawled up to him and put a bullet in his head. His body then proceeded to fold in half at the waist, BACKWARDS!?!

How the hell can a bullet to the ****ing skull snap his spine above his pelvis?