Call of duty 4...still 50 bucks?


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
What the hell is this shit? It was released back in November 07, and this game still hasn't dropped in price(at least on steam it hasn't)? Is it worth it? I can't imagine why on earth it would still be this high priced. Activision you greedy bastards.
Well its the best in the series, has won countless game of the year awards and excels in almost every area, and has one of the most addictive MP sides to any FPS ever so...yeah, its still worth the money.

Surprised its not around $40 by now though.
It's still full price in most shops and that's on any platform. It's just that popular.
No need to cut the price when people are still buying it by the crate full.
Exactly, it's an awesome game.

Great singleplayer and an even better multiplayer.
Am I the only one who thought CoD 1 was the best out of the series? :|
It's still 50 because people will still pay $50USD for it. It probably won't go down until IW releases Modern Warfare 2.
of course it is. activision is the new EA, why would they lower the price on such a hot title?
True, swan.

This game can't sell that well, can it?? I mean orange box was released around the same time and its a hell of a lot cheaper than cod4. I'm willing to bet people would still be buying OB at 50 as well, hell it probably sold more. /bitching
Am I the only one who thought CoD 1 was the best out of the series? :|

Yeah, I think at the time I got a lot more out of the original CoD than I did Modern Warfare. Even though I enjoyed MW a lot, it's just more of the same. In terms of multiplayer at least I was practically addicted to the original. And United Offensive was pretty damn good too.
United Offensive (made by Gray Matter, aka Xatrix) was better than the original.
UO's MP was class. Foy Domination ftmfw! *stealz meh a jeep
UO was great, but I'm not sure if I preferred it to the original. You could definitely some pretty epic games going though - I remember that Band of Brothers map (foy I think) being ace. Basically vanilla CoD was more squad-based smaller scale stuff, and UO was all-out war. But I was big on fan of the rifles only, which was generally more fun on the old maps. It was just all about the trusty German k98.
Am I the only one who thought CoD 1 was the best out of the series? :|


Meh, once you've played the single player once, there isn't all that much to come back to. The online is pretty good, but not really my style, I can only take small doses. I bought it 50% off in a steam sale.
I played the whole single player, didn't really see the point in getting it for another counter strike with knife help. Yeah I thought about buying it, waited a bit, came for a BS 'sale' during that 'everything on sale' thing that came. I just don't really even care for it anymore.
Single player is daft, mutliplayer is extremely well-tuned, but I much preferred the first couple of games. The mixture of weapons was a lot more novel and varied which made for an interesting combination of long and short range tactics (pick them off with a kar or blast their face off with a tommy, etc). The guns in CoD 4 pretty much all function at mid-range, so it feels like far too much of an even playing field with only slight variations.

Edit - Oh, and to answer your question, supply and demand.
Playing Call of Duty 4's singleplayer for the first time gave me the same feeling as playing CoD1's SP for the first time, where it starts off amazing and every level just starts getting better than the last one. The only major problem with it was the length.

The multiplayer is as good as you can get with "run and gun" gameplay, but that kind of game wears off quickly no matter how good it is. Class-based online FPS like TF2 last a bit longer, but the only online game that really caught my interest for a long amount of time is Battlefield 1942, and I don't see many games like it still around.