Call of Duty/ The Matrix??


Oct 11, 2004
Reaction score
I'm absolutely sure that the russian missions in Call of Duty (the first one) have the same music as The Matrix.

The standout track, "Red Square", is a classically influenced piece for sweeping strings and with brass. Unlike the rest of the score, it is beautiful and majestic with a slow waltz beat performed in 1. Unfortunately it seems a little out of place on this album, considering it's the only instance where ideas like this theme or style are presented. On the flip side, it is a nice break from the album's uncompromising pace. The score ends with "Pegasus Bridge" which returns to a slower style with some beautiful string chords.

It says it was composed for the game, but it's reeally similar. Actually I haven't heard the music from The Matrix for a long time...

Can anybody else see where I'm coming from if you listen to it?
what movie of the trilogy are you referring too?
and i beleive that its not similar unless you provide sound clips for both
Any of them. And I'm trying to find a clip of the Call of Duty music. Hang on.

Edit: I can't find it anywhere. Does anybody have call of duty on their pc and can get the audio from it?

Or has anybody heard it and knows what I'm talking about?
have you tried Limewire?
and do you know from what part of the movies you are referring too?
I fail, it's the russian missions on the expansion pack. And I really can't find it anywhere, even Limewire. Has anybody heard it?