Calling All Artists


Space Core
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
I've been given the responsibility of designing and seeing to it that an album cover is created. I have seen that several regulars on here have quite an artistic talent, and I was curious if any were willing to help out.

The main thing I am after is a bear playing a guitar,in a rather cartoony but serious fashion. For inspiration, I've always pictured it looking a lot like the Charmin bears, but more solid. If any would be willing to help that would be greatly appreciated.
I've been given the responsibility of designing and seeing to it that an album cover is created. I have seen that several regulars on here have quite an artistic talent, and I was curious if any were willing to help out.

The main thing I am after is a bear playing a guitar,in a rather cartoony but serious fashion. For inspiration, I've always pictured it looking a lot like the Charmin bears, but more solid. If any would be willing to help that would be greatly appreciated.

pfft, who needs guitarrs?


sry for going offtopic
I've done a few CD covers for some friends/local bands in the last few months as it's an area of illustration I really want to move into (Aaron Turner is one of my ''art heroes'', if you will) so yeah, I'll give it a shot.

How about I lay some pencils down, a few designs, lets say, then post them up and I'll see where you want to go with them from there, hm? I've a few ideas already, actually. Bear (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) with me though as I'm suffering from what is dubbed a man-flu at the moment and it feels like the inside of my body is tearing itself to pieces, but I'll see what I can do.
Any chance I can get a little specification on the concept? The bands Myspace/any other form of musical output, for example. Any particular style aside from the 'bear' theme, colours, etc...

I've an idea that I started earlier and I'm in the process of finishing up some drafts right now.
The basic idea is a black background, with the bear in the middle with a sort of yellow haze/aura around it. Other than that I don't know if I have anything else that would help.
Gotcha. A few scans up tonight, perhaps!
I'm fine with doing it for free. I get to do some drawing, maybe get it slapped on the front of something and have one more illustration to add to my portfolio for next year. :D
If it is used, I may be able to rassle up some form of payment.
Why would anyone do this for free considering you could be getting paid for this?

Having an illustration that you created used for anything is pretty damn awesome for an artist, whether you get paid or not.
'kin dumbass Opera just crashed right as I was writing up my first set of images. Laaaame.


These are a few work in progress sketches I did in college today and have photographed a few hours ago. I take photos of all WIP stuff now as my scanner makes a mess out of things and I only use it for when I've got a good concept that I'm willing to scan in to then edit in Photoshop/Illustrator for colouring/wording, etc.

Before I go any further, I'll just show this one idea I had right off the bat when you asked for a bear with a guitar. Nothing is finalised, nothing is complete, it's just the basic groundwork. Right now, I need your lead on what direction to go with it - bin it, keep it, define it, get rid of this, get rid of that, whats good, whats bad, the size, shape, etc... Feedback is crucial to me so if you kindly? :)





As you can see, things like the hands (claws?) and feet aren't anywhere near final or anything nice to look at, and the stool is very 2D, as is the guitar, but it's all placeholder until I get your word on where to go next. Your thoughts?
I have no idea exactly what you want, but you should probably go with antipop's as it seems he actually cares. But a bear with a guitar soudned interesting.

Haha thank you both those are wicked!


Eyes: Just looking at the notes you wrote yourself, in terms of eyes I was looking at a sort of soulful but unenthusiastic glaze on them.

Head: The head is a great addition, I'll have to see what the other band members think. Like the eyes, the same sort of bored "too cool" look would be great. To accent this, the head could be tilted down looking at the guitar as if he's in the midst of playing it.

Body: The weight of the bear seems good, he's at a good roundness level; fat, but comfortably fat. Feel free to add a little extra weight if you need to.

Other than that I can't give anymore feedback without consulting the others. You really have blown me away :thumbs:

@Lefty: I love it, but as you suggest I'll probably stick with Antipop.
Alright then, that's all good to hear. I'll begin working in the changes tonight/tomorrow when I've got an hour or two spare from college. Cheers for the feedback. :thumbs:
I'll have an update for you tonight/tomorrow afternoon, but for now, can I ask the bands name? (And if possible, their Myspace or whatever?)

Just so I can scoop up a little background, like. Don't want to be working for a Nazi oi-punk band or anything. ;)
The Jamstein Bears, with or without the 'The'. Unfortunately the band is small right now and has yet to set up any websites or anything, but if you'd like I can PM any info you'd want about style, personality, etc.
I had a snoop around, it's all cool. :thumbs: I wasn't expecting anything alien or weird, it's just nice to see who I'm doing this for.
If you revert lefty's drawing to a negative it's perfect album cover material.

any Mac users hit Ctrl + Option + Apple key + 8 to check it out.
Any idea what kind of time frame I have on this? I'll have an update for tomorrow, it's just I'm juggling two other illustrations and a bunch of college work at the moment so I'd like to sit down and map out a time plan for each individual piece. I work better that way.
Take as long as you need to. Absolutely no rush, and I'd hate to have you miss work for it. :o

I've also been told to ask you if eventually the acoustic could be changed to an electric, but that's not a final decision yet.