Cambridge Study


Oct 13, 2003
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The pehomnnail pweor of the hmuan mnid.
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer
in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht
the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,
but the wrod as a wlohe.

Tulry amzanig huh??
It sitll froecs you to raed solewr tohugh.
gi asld odn msdo sododfog dsosdfjlsd sotjnalsjdthtasljl.

You guys are funny. lol :p
Abom said:
It sitll froecs you to raed solewr tohugh.
not me. i read your post and the original at normal speed, myself. but i've seen this 'research' several times before. however, it does seem that the longer i read these, the less easy it becomes. a few of sentances are fine. but more than a couple of paragraphs, and i start losing sense of the words.

this is funny language.

What language is that? Mars Egnlsih :D
damn editting time limit..

in my earlier post, i put research in single quotes b/c i think this is something of an internet hoax. certainly there's truth in it, but i don't think anyone at cambridge ever did any research on this.
I remember when we had this link up on the forums before 30 sept :)

Its kinda cool though.
for any multilinguists here.. does this trick work for other laguages? seems like laguages with really long words wouldn't wok so well..

obviously, this wouldn't work for logographic laguages like chinese.. doesn't hebrew leave out vowels in the script? i wonder if that would help or hurt..
Lil' Timmy said:
not me. i read your post and the original at normal speed, myself. but i've seen this 'research' several times before. however, it does seem that the longer i read these, the less easy it becomes. a few of sentances are fine. but more than a couple of paragraphs, and i start losing sense of the words.

You mean you have actually read things that were more than a couple paragraphs in this format?

And Brain Damage...No it's obviously not me who brought this up like four times now.
Icarus said:
You mean you have actually read things that were more than a couple paragraphs in this format?
yeah when i first heard about this, i emailed some friends about it and we all started emailing back and forth and some of the emails were a page long. i think the brain gets fatigued or something.
ooh! i know some ppl on these forums speak russian (where's loshadka when you need him?), does this work with cyrillic?? aren't there a bunch of swedes on these forums too?
Lil' Timmy said:
damn editting time limit..

in my earlier post, i put research in single quotes b/c i think this is something of an internet hoax. certainly there's truth in it, but i don't think anyone at cambridge ever did any research on this.

Actually, it was in the Times newspaper. Its a national paper here in England and they arent likely to print something that is an internet fad, as cambridge research. They do in fact research all sorts of things like this though, most of it never gets mentioned other than briefly quoted in TV programmes and things like that.

However this study was probably just part of one of the larger studies of English and language.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Actually, it was in the Times newspaper. Its a national paper here in England and they arent likely to print something that is an internet fad, as cambridge research.
woot, found the link i had been looking for, these things are called memes apparently:

not sure if it's a hoax or not, but this guy claims it's not based on cambridge research. the times is more likely to be correct, though, i guess. anyway, it's interesting.
I skim read, that helps me read stuff like this, the only problem is I can't type like that. Oh well, Imust be retarded or something
i sikm raed, taht hlpes me raed sfutf, the olny pleborm is i cn'at (what to do with apostrophes eh?) tpye lkie taht. oh wlel, i msut be rtrdeead or smoenhtig.

yeah, it's not as easy as it looks, the 4-letter words are a breeze though :)
Actually the apostraphe, for me anyway, breaks up the word and makes it in fact read seperately like cn at rather than can't

I think its common words that are easy, for instance something was easier than retarded

yeah, that one does seem to read very well at all for some reason.. hmm
Theres a finn too here! :p

Haven't really tried this with finnish, but I don't think it would work since we use many ä's and ö's wich change the word.
Possibly, but the idea is that if the word is common enough, your brain basically fills in the rest.
MaxiKana said:
Theres a finn too here! :p

Haven't really tried this with finnish, but I don't think it would work since we use many ä's and ö's wich change the word.
well, according to that link i posted, finnish is an "agglutinative" language, so the words tend to be really long, and it doesn't work so well. try it out and let us know :)
just a random comment: "research" is spelled wrong in the paragraph. i think they put in too many c's and h's or something.

my spanish teacher gave this to us in class, but i had already seen it. and i'm still not sure why exactly we got it in spanish class....
dfc05 said:
just a random comment: "research" is spelled wrong in the paragraph. i think they put in too many c's and h's or something.

my spanish teacher gave this to us in class, but i had already seen it. and i'm still not sure why exactly we got it in spanish class....
actually, most of the words are misspelled ;)
also, didn't you know? that's how spanish was invented.. they just jumbled up the words from french and italian :)
Old as shit. But when I first read about it it was cool, kinda interesting tbh.
Yeah my English teacher showed this thing to us aswell.
Well i wouldnt say its that old, unless its what Adam was reading the first time he...released the fury that is chocolate logs in a bowl.