Can anyone help me as to what this lighting effect is called?


Aug 18, 2004
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I was watching the Source Bink, and I saw this effect, and remebered seeing it in KOTOR at parts. Can anyone clue me into what its called when light seems to spill over like that?
(Sorry about the grainyness, what with the converting into Gif and all, and sorry if this is in the wrong section, wasn't terribly sure where to ask this)


  • Donowhatittscalled.GIF
    81.6 KB · Views: 284
:) I believe that is HDR, although i'm no expert. Could be bloom? What is bloom?
You were right the first time aileviation. It's HDR. (I believe)
I think that's one of the effects you'd see with HDR but I don't know if it's HDR itself. If KOTOR had it, well, I'm not sure the Xbox is capable of HDR. In other words, HDR will give you that effect (and more) but there are other ways of accomplishing it. I think it's called 'light bloom,' which is not quite as intense as full-on HDR.
He was probably on the PC version, which used it extensively for saber battles and Tatooine.
The HL1 (Q2) engine can be modified to have HDR too, at the great expense of cpu resources.
Javert said:
He was probably on the PC version, which used it extensively for saber battles and Tatooine.
The HL1 (Q2) engine can be modified to have HDR too, at the great expense of cpu resources.

HL1 is a heavily modified Quake 1 engine, with about 50-100 lines (made up figure, but very VERY little) of Q2 engine code for various fixes.
The effect itself is not HDR, however you can use HDR to simulate that effect.

I think it's called bloom.
It's bloom/glow. HDR is just used to limit the effect to occuring where its supposed to instead of uniformly over any pixels that are the same brightness as the sky to the human eye (since monitors are LDR and a white pixel is a white pixel be it bright sky or a tin of white paint)
The Xbox is very capable of HDR, as seen in KOTOR and The Suffering, Riddick, etc. The effect was once called "overbrightning" by Bioware. Halo 2 is using this to great effect in singleplayer.
Cerpin said:
The Xbox is very capable of HDR, as seen in KOTOR and The Suffering, Riddick, etc. The effect was once called "overbrightning" by Bioware. Halo 2 is using this to great effect in singleplayer.

Again, I don't think that effect is true HDR. It's called Bloom as The Dark Elf explained.
HDR is when you are in a dark room and look outside (at a sunshiny day), it looks very, very bright outside (so the bloom effect makes you think it's bright). And otherwise ofcourse. If you are outside at a sunshiny day and look into a dark room/building, you can't see sh*t what is indoors.

Oh I might be wrong here, if so please correct me.
HDR was used in that Bink. That is the only example of HDR in HL2 videos. The rest of them are just bloom with no HDR.
I'm already anticipating the "what is HDR" discussions and the "I think I saw HDR on a wall in CS:S" comments :naughty: