can i run Lost Cost?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Neo101
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These are my specs.

but Steam is telling me i dont have specs to run it wrong cos i heard Steam had problems with allowing it to run on Athlon AMD 64

AMD Athlon 64 processor 3500+
Windows XP Home Edition
1024 Mb RAM Memory
320 Gb Hard Drive
nVidia 6200+TurboCache Graphics
I can run it quite comfortably @ 800x600 with Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB DDR 400 RAM & ATI Radeon 9600XT 256MB. Obviously I am not getting the extra HDR effects tho.

Somehow, I think you should easily be able to run it...

(Btw, I've always ran HL2 it on this processor, for a year now - no problemos)
I don't have the correct:sniper: processor and I ran it fine, just you don't get the HDR shading effect which makes it look like real lighting.
If you can run Half Life 2, you can run Lost Coast.

But that doesn't mean HDR will work. With your computer, HDR probably won't run, mainly because of the graphics card.
so when i enter my steam account do i go to the "install lost coast HDR demo" button to install it?
Neo101 said:
so when i enter my steam account do i go to the "install lost coast HDR demo" button to install it?
Yes. If you can't find it, go to 'My Games' and look for it. Double-Click on the name and you will be shown a window that states your computer isn't good enough. Ignore it and continue to install.
you should be fine
the lc was hyped above and beyond what it actually was - it runs on almost all systems that run hl2 on medium or above