Can the Striders be dropped with small arms fire?


Space Core
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
I was under the impression that striders could only be killed with explosive munition (grenades, rockets, combine rifle alt fires, etc.) In the Episode II trailer, you see the rebels confronting a strider shooting their machine guns at it. Are they on to something? Are they distracting it so the one guy with the rockets can get a clean shot in? Did they learn anything from the previous battles? Can a strider be dropped with small arms fire or are they insane? Is this a way Valve can show an exciting confrontation between the rebels and a strider? I'd sure as hell be taking pot shots from hidden places instead of stepping up, even with the rocket launcher if I were in their shoes, but that doesn't make an exciting promo video. Why do you think the rebels are still screwing around with mano-a-mano battles like this against striders?
they did that constantly in HL2 as well, giving away your position in 'follow freeman' and getting slaughtered in the process
poor ai
The Hunters don't look as carapace-y, maybe the rebels are shooting at them?
The new weapons, 'strider busters', will drain energy from the striders, weakening them and allowing them to be killed with small arms (or your car)
The new weapons, 'strider busters', will drain energy from the striders, weakening them and allowing them to be killed with small arms (or your car)

That's going to be the next Aweshensnosaurus.
The Hunters appear to brace themselves occasionally, especially when shooting. Maybe they are weak to physical attacks when not braced. (and resistant to them when they are braced)
The new weapons, 'strider busters', will drain energy from the striders, weakening them and allowing them to be killed with small arms (or your car)

I have read the content before I see the spoiler, they are too close together ;( Anyway, the rebel is shooting it with SMG.
I thought the Strider Busters were only usable with the gravity gun, as it said in PC Gamer. Although it would seem a little illogical to create a new weapon only Gordon could use. So maybe it is optional to use it with the Gravity Gun.
But do you think a Ministrider would need to be drained or is it weak enought to take down already?
Whoah, I've never thought abotu that before. Ican't picture someone jsut shooting them and them falling down, they seem like something you'd have to blow up with the rocket launcher, or flip on its back, or off a cliff, or something.
Whoah, I've never thought abotu that before. Ican't picture someone jsut shooting them and them falling down, they seem like something you'd have to blow up with the rocket launcher, or flip on its back, or off a cliff, or something.

Its a good question..its got spindly legs, with an obviously high center of gravity...Id imagine the legs are weak, and all it would take is to break one of it's knee caps to bring the thing down as it wouldnt be able to advance anymore...
I know I'm not the only one who's tried this, but you can spawn ministriders in Episode 1 and get them to come after you. I don't recall taking them down with small arms fire - I was too busy running around trying to get it to maneuver around the terrain to see it's motion. They may have modified the damage variables for them for actual gameplay, but it may lend some insight to how vulnerable they'll be to spawn one and go after it.