Can you hit your enemy?


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
I doubt that hitboxes is the only issue. I can't seem to hit anything. I'm used to having 3/1 and now I get like 3/11... Are you also getting the feeling that you can't really hit ANYTHING anymore?
No, ive noticed the aiming is slower and you need to wait about half a second longer than the crosshair animates to get a really perfect shot, i got a friend to stand still while i shot round him to see the hitboxes, i could shoot between his legs and under his arms, pretty much anywhere there was no model, there are a few patches on the edges of the shoulders and feet where the shot just flies through, other than that it seems fine.
actually shooting in CS:S is alot better than 1.6

In 1.6 I would shoot but nothing happens, I would usually blame the recoil system and my bad skills.
but, in CS:S I shoot at him and he DIES!! w00t it turns out it wasn't just me; everybody was complaining about 1.6 shooting, and everybody said CS:S shooting is alot better.
I think hit detection was far better in 1.6. At least at this point in the beta. I'm not sure if it can be resolved with cl_updaterate or if it is some other problem, but shooting an enemy doesn't feel as responsive as it did in 1.5/6. Neither my hardware nor internet connection is the problem.

BTW, has anyone else noticed how tweaking cl_updaterate makes for "stuttery" gameplay?
That is great news, IF css shooting alot better then I don't need to use a1mbot tools to help me. C1.6 without aimbot my skill level below any noob. :D
I admit that my scores have gone lower with CS:S.. but I'll get used to the new graphics soon.
Whenever there's a new version of CS a thousand people say hit detection is worse and a thousand others say its better. I'm convinced that nobody really can tell, and are basing their opinions on how often they died.
Keep in mind that last night most of the CS:S servers sucked, most of them were getting hundreds of connection attempts every minute, and a lot of them were fairly laggy despite decent pings. I don't think anyone can make a valid statement about hit detection based on playing pub matches in laggy servers for a few hours.

However, the first thing I noticed was that I couldn't tell where the hell my bullets were going when I started spraying at close range. I think the difference is that in CS, sparks would appear wherever your bullets hit, my eyes are trained to watch for those. Now, big dust puffs appear and it's hard to tell where the shots went. The dust puffs and other debris look great, it's just hard to make them out when you're used to looking for sparks.
I find the problem is that I cant see my bullets as im shooting. I cant see where they are going. So I can use burts fire effectively. Also, the reticles take too long to settle down, theyre not like 1.6.
I agree with you on how hard it is to see where your bullets are going, dscowboy.

It also seems that bullet holes can't be seen (literally invisible) from faraway!
dystorsion said:
I agree with you on how hard it is to see where your bullets are going, dscowboy.

It also seems that bullet holes can't be seen (literally invisible) from faraway!

Yes, exactly. And when the wall you're shooting is dark and far away it's hard to see anything at all. It would be nice if there was a server-side option to turn tracers on.
the decals not showing up from far away is a bug
cliffe said it at steam forum
i'm playing terrible compared to 1.6 - i'm getting 80fps average. also, i play with some of the best clans in queensland, australia (1 of the clans here have gone to cpl, we are not crap) so i can play and i usually get hs after hs but now i get nothing : (
I hit people... :D I DO think the hitboxes lag behind the person...I still manage to hit people though. I'm doing better than 1.6.
Some people seem to be able to run around spraying AK randomly and get headshots all the time, where as others can spend ages aiming, get seemingly spot-on shots on the enemy heads and not get a headshot - even with seemingly perfect burst fire.

I don't know what it is, probably just that 'hitboxes' issue. Hope to god it aint cheats.
lePobz said:
Some people seem to be able to run around spraying AK randomly and get headshots all the time, where as others can spend ages aiming, get seemingly spot-on shots on the enemy heads and not get a headshot - even with seemingly perfect burst fire.

I don't know what it is, probably just that 'hitboxes' issue. Hope to god it aint cheats.

AK isn't accurate anyways :p I get headshots with the m4 a lot though...I DO aim however :p
lol it's not about what score you are getting.
if you're getting low score then the guys on the other side are probably getting higher score. that's just not the standard which you can measure things against.

For me, I experienced it many times. I shoot a guy several shots and he dies. I don't aim well, specifically not for the head I don't even use short bursts I just hold the mouse key and fire in the general direction, and seem to do a lot of damage. and um, it's definatly not an aimbot.

btw, first time I hear that people look for where there bullets are going, I am never able to tell; I just spray and hope my bullets are hitting :/.
thats 1 thing i noticed with wource, spray and pray actually works. lol
ive also noticed the decals being invis from a distance, which kinda makes it hard to see if ur actually hitting the person ur shooting at.
im gettin a much higher score than 1.6 tho. im not sure if its just the plp im playing, maybe the fact that they r finding it hard to get used to cs: source, or if its the better hitbox detection. either way im loving it :)
I am not complaining about hitboxes or anything, I just wanted to know if others had the same experience? Even when I turned everything down and had 40 fps I still played like shit. I have to get used to the new game of course, but it's kind of frustrating. You go "In CZ.. I would.." and so on :)
i hit even better in source then in cs 1.6 offcourse they both own.
only bad thing about cs source it has't much maps :(