Canada bus passenger beheads seat mate.

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Jul 25, 2007
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What a f**king freak.

No names or nationalities were given other than this happened in Canada.
This guy's name is mud imo. He should be stripped from his right to breath air and administered a punishment that is promised to be cruel and unusual.

Here's a fitting punishment:

1.Cut open his intestines so that one end is open and exposed

2.feed an air compressor hose down his esophagus and through his stomach

3.Turn the compressor up full blast

4.Use the open end of the intestines as a hose and spray is OWN shit all over his OWN f**king corpse. *HA HA LOOK! Psycho man shitted on himself!*

(That is if he hasen't died of shock because I'd do this to him while HE'S STILL ALIVE. BASTARD!)

BTW, if those guys had a crowbar, why didn't they lay it across his skull? A huge disappointment to Gordon Freeman fs.
I swear I seen this already on this site.. Must've been another forum.
too late posted it BEFORE i don't care close either one of the threads doesn't matter to me
Sorry AKIRA. I'll still give you the credit for posting this before me.

But still, this is so crazy and twisted it deserved a second thread anyways.
I should've checked first though. I know.
We have 3 threads already. One in the politics forum as well..
I bet this one displays the most extreme case of Internet Justice though.
I blame the coach. If this guy had been getting exercise, and some fresh air to his face, he probably wouldn't have killed anyone.
too late posted it BEFORE i don't care close either one of the threads doesn't matter to me

Yeah, but what kind of title is "this is sick" - that doesn't tell me anything in the thread as opposed to "Canada bus passenger beheads seat mate." - I don't even need to open the thread in order to find out what is going on.
Yeah, but what kind of title is "this is sick" - that doesn't tell me anything in the thread as opposed to "Canada bus passenger beheads seat mate." - I don't even need to open the thread in order to find out what is going on.

like i said, i dont care which thread the issue is discussed on lol close mine then it doesn't matter to me.
Does not compute

They write the date the other way (I want to say backwards) in some countries
****ing great, I've been trying to convince my father to let me visit my friend using a Greyhound next week. Yeah, I can't wait until he finds out this shit and bitches to me about it, "Some guy was beheaded on one of those you know".
Everyone should make a thread on this so it fills up the entire Lounge.
****ing great, I've been trying to convince my father to let me visit my friend using a Greyhound next week. Yeah, I can't wait until he finds out this shit and bitches to me about it, "Some guy was beheaded on one of those you know".

just say to him "oh dad dont be silly, it happened in canada, if it happened here the criminal would have shot everyone not stabbed a single person"
This would not have happened if all passengers wore straight jackets.
the killer is asian: Vince Weiguang Li

maybe it was a ginsu knife sales demonstration that went horribly worng
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