Canada quietly asks EPA to weaken anti-pollution measures

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Sep 14, 2003
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed tough new measures to reduce the health toll from air pollution around the Great Lakes by forcing lake freighters to stop burning dirty bunker fuel.

But the plan has an unusual opponent: The Canadian embassy in Washington has quietly asked the EPA to weaken the measures, arguing that they could harm trade. It wants ships to be allowed to continue using the high-polluting fuel and to instead install smokestack scrubbers that would clean up their emissions. The Canadian recommendation, if accepted, could delay the clean-air measure for years, because the technology for the scrubbers does not yet exist.

The embassy asked the EPA to make the changes in a letter last month, marking a rare instance in which Canada has lobbied the United States to weaken air-pollution controls designed to reduce health problems linked to breathing dirty air. Because winds carry contaminants back and forth across both sides of the Canada-U.S. border, the EPA proposal would also lead to air-quality improvements in Canada.

The Canadian position is supported by the Great Lakes shipping industry, which is warning that the costs of complying with the proposed environmental regulations are so high that they will force companies to scrap some of the iconic steamers that now ply the lakes carrying everything from salt to iron ore.

Take that CptStern!!!
****in' hate my government. I wish I was in a social/financial situation to fight back.
if accepted, could delay the clean-air measure for years, because the technology for the scrubbers does not yet exist

so they say they would clean the pollution of theyr ships whit a device that dont exist?

canada: so yeah we will use this cleaning laser capacitor to burn the pollutants
epa: whats is a cleaning laser...what?
canada: o is a sistem we will make in the future that will solve this problems
epa: and when you will start to build it?
canada: as I say,some time in the future *leans int he chair whit hands behind his head* I already told ya*caress beaver*
american industry has been shitting on our side of the border for decades, seems a little peevish of them to cry foul now. anyways **** Harper and his bush like ways. they've been trying to loosen polution regulations for a while now