Canada: Stop playing video games, go kill animals instead


May 5, 2004
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Alberta to be precise but I wanted to avoid the "what's an alberta" posts

While you sit around the couch plowing through Halo 3 today, the Canadian province of Alberta would like to remind you that there are other, more worthwhile pursuits than shooting virtual creatures. Like shooting real creatures, for instance!

Alberta declared Sept. 22 "Hunting Day" to promote the province's hunting heritage and reverse declining interest in hunting among the populace. That's all well and good, but what got us was Alberta Minister of Sustainable Resource Development Ted Morton's assertion, reprinted in a Reuters story, that "hunting is more fun (than video games) and a lot healthier."

More fun? While crouching in the bushes covered in mud for hours waiting for that perfect shot to come along might be some people's idea of fun, we haven't seen many people lining up at midnight launch events for new hunting gear. As for health, while hunting might be very beneficial for the hunter, it's decidedly less healthy for the prey being shot.

and I thought Alberta was on the road to recovery after Ralph Klein finally did what he should have done when he entered politics: retire
I'd like to see research evidence to suggest hunting isn't healthy for the prey.
I'd like to see research evidence to suggest hunting isn't healthy for the prey.

well you're partially right is healthy (running, adreline pumping, fresh air breathing), at least till it's conclusion, then ..not so much

I think all prey should be outfitted with shoulder missiles to even it up a bit ..make Bubba actually work for his kill
well you're partially right is healthy (running, adreline pumping, fresh air breathing), at least till it's conclusion, then ..not so much

I think all prey should be outfitted with shoulder missiles to even it up a bit ..make Bubba actually work for his kill

or at least an invisibility cloak.

i wonder how many people would hunt invisible bears? :)
I thought it was cuz videogames affetc your mnind to make you kill people and be more violent, and that by hunting you become less violent cuz you are killing real animals
Alberta to be precise but I wanted to avoid the "what's an alberta" posts
Come now Stern... We're all relatively intelligent on here.

As for the issue, there's a lot of debate that could be had whether hunting is OK or not. Perhaps being hunted is a species that is overpopulating the area? I don't really think this is automatically a ridiculous alternative to video games.
Come now Stern... We're all relatively intelligent on here.

actually it's an injoke to another thread I made the other day where I ask "what's a canada"

As for the issue, there's a lot of debate that could be had whether hunting is OK or not. Perhaps being hunted is a species that is overpopulating the area?

well that's only if you take it only that far have to ask yourself why exactly they need to be culled in the first place

I don't really think this is automatically a ridiculous alternative to video games.

well one is done for fun ..while the other the notion of fun is at the expense of the life of another living being
This is retarded. LOLZ GO KILL LIVING THINGS FOR NO REASON - NOT FOOD OR ANYTHING JUST FOR FUN. Instead of killing virtual "creatures" that aren't counscous or aware, or anything? Wow, what logic.
This is retarded. LOLZ GO KILL LIVING THINGS FOR NO REASON - NOT FOOD OR ANYTHING JUST FOR FUN. Instead of killing virtual "creatures" that aren't counscous or aware, or anything? Wow, what logic.

well to be fair Alberta is as close to texas (insert red state here) as we get: as in a bastion for conservatives (hey it's the oil province, natch) ..I mean they have a yearly event where people froom all over the world (mostly US) visit and it's normal to see a sea of cowboy hats canada of all places not being enlightened isnt that much of a surprise
not too worry we're about as similiar to Texas as we are to new york ..the similarities end at the 10 gallon hats, snakeskin boots, chewin tobaccy and conservatism

And that DOESN'T cause need to worry..? :|
And that DOESN'T cause need to worry..? :|

yes but they're surrounded by prairies on one side and mountains on the other, keeps the cowboys isolated from the rest of us ..sooner or later they'll join the US anyways so no big loss ;)
or at least an invisibility cloak.

i wonder how many people would hunt invisible bears? :)

Invisible bears are now my most-wanted enemy in a video game.