Cannot connect to steam network....


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
WTF it's been doing this since this morning....

I just wanna play some CS...

anyone know what to do?
fooken steam.......

just wanted to relax and play some CS....

Valve is updating the friends network. They may be working on other stuff as well in order to get steam working better for other users.
Other than that, I don't know.
all i know, is i decided to dl steam this morning.. and its being 'creating account' now for an hour...
Man, glad to see others are having problems. I thought it was just me. I just got my new cable modem and this baby is blazing at a 3Mbit connection. Can't wait to use it in cs...
whyyyy?!!!!! WHY!?!?!?!?!? who decided to put steam in there??? everything was running fine until they came along and ruined everything. At least polish yur f***ing program b4 u implement it so everyone has to friggin use it. I haven't been able to play any games for several days now cause steam screws up. :angry: :angry: :angry:

[LH-EDIT] - Just so you know; they are working on an update that will fix the most big bugs and then they will probably move on to some of the smaller bugs.
BTW, if you are playing CS i suggest downloading the Steam, CS and HL installer wich (of course) includes Steam, whole CS 1.6 (no download needed) and HL (the latest update of HL and no download needed here either).

You can find it at Fileplanet or probably some 3rd party download sites.
It works for me. You guys just suck :p.
I just loaded it up :) and it worked.

I just got my new cable modem and this baby is blazing at a 3Mbit connection.
Let me guess.. Comcast? Lucky basterd. I have charter and i'm one of the lucky areas to get the upgrade to 2mbit. Although it actually runs at 2.6
Originally posted by morpherex
It works for me. You guys just suck :p.
I just loaded it up :) and it worked.

Let me guess.. Comcast? Lucky basterd. I have charter and i'm one of the lucky areas to get the upgrade to 2mbit. Although it actually runs at 2.6

Wow, we've only just got 1Mbit here and that's only in like 2 square miles of the country. Damn BT monopoly for the past bzillion years not letting us have better. :flame:

[LH-EDIT] Inapropriate word use, you dont know how young the people here are.
Back when I first got cable it used to get over 4Mbps... now it is capped at 2Mbps.
Nope, Roadrunner. But this friggin' steam still isn't working. It worked great last night, wtf is going on.
They are probably fixing some content servers and Steam is as buggy as ever.

But they are fixing a new update but just try again if you cant get Steam to start, when you give up just wait until the update is out whenever that is.
But the problems are probably that their servers are heavily overloaded with people so just try again later.