Can't change source code with Visual C++ 2005

Aug 27, 2009
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I've pretty much followed this tutorial here:

Except I don't have half life I only have Team Fortress 2, so when I created the source code I couldn't choose "modify half life single player" this option was grayed out. I had to choose create mod from template, but it still generated the source code and compiled code which I could launch from steam.

I followed every troubleshooting tip on the Compiling_under_VS2005 tutorial, and got Visual C++ 2005 to say that it compiled the source correctly. So then I started changing the code, and commented out some significant parts of the code. such as the code for CHudCrosshair::paint in the file hud_crosshair which I assumed should remove the crosshair. So I compiled the source and launched it from steam again. I then went through and changed a ton of the code. Nothing made any difference.
I actually went and looked at my mod folder ...\sourceMods\MyMod\ and saw that the date modified hadn't changed on any files.

Where does Visual C++ 2005 compile to? How can I run the new code, or build for a release?
I finally figured it out, for some reason my version of visual C++ wasn't copying the client.dll and server.dll into the MyMod\bin directory. I found these files in the source folder, and copied them manually to get them to work.