can't continue in HL2 episode 2


Jan 12, 2011
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Hi guys,

I have the following problem with HL2 E2:

I am in a part called Freeman Pontifex, right after a lot of discussed problem (Vortigern have to turn on a generator and Freeman have to free an elevator - this part I passed OK). But when I get off the elevator, and enter the building (Alyx and Vortigen go with me), I jump over broken steps and enter a room without any exit so I can't continue. No autosave is triggered and I also can't go back because of broken steps.

I've tried to load some previos saves and repeated killing two guardians, but the same problem is occured.

Any ideas?

IIRC, To the right, after you jump down the stairs, there is a hall, and then if you look to the left, you can duck under a door that is part of the way up.
Pretty sure the next map thats supposed to load isn't loading. Try verifying the integrity of the game cache.