Can't decide on whether to use a BG

To BG or not to BG?

  • No, it won't load too much into your memory

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Yes, it will load into memory causing increased memory usage

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Yes, it will load into memory but it shouldn't be a problem

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • Yes, it will load into memory and provide slowdowns but who gives a damn

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I can't decide whether or not I should use a desktop background. I never did use one, and it never became a problem, until I found this image that makes a wicked BG.

Now, I never used to use a BG since that means more system memory usage, but I was wondering if anybody thinks it wont be a problem.

My specs are in my sig.


Oh and the poll is just to track oppinions. I would much prefer if you actually gave an answer.
Unless your computer has less oomph than a pocket calculator, you're fine. Just pick a nice one. Be thrifty with the desktop icons too. I hate cluttered desktops :/
FictiousWill said:
Unless your computer has less oomph than a pocket calculator, you're fine. Just pick a nice one. Be thrifty with the desktop icons too. I hate cluttered desktops :/

Haha, I don't think desktop icons should be an issue. I myself also prefer less icons, and only have 4 on my desktop.

And I just found out that yes, the image is loaded into system memory. I noticed a memory usage increase equal to the size of the image after applying it.

Now that I think of it, gosh, I shoul've asked the creator if I could use it huh?! But then again, he posted it in a forum for all to use and see.

I'm pretty sure my pc has more "oomph" than a pocket calculator. SIGGEH.

Oppinions still welcome.
I'd get rid of all icons on the desktop, and use the windows classic skin, but it's all up to your preference. btw all poll options are technically true, and the last one begs to be clarified.
FictiousWill said:
I'd get rid of all icons on the desktop, and use the windows classic skin, but it's all up to your preference.

God, I can't stand the classic skin. Although it would mean a hell of a lot less memory usage.

And I think having a few icons viewable looks better than none. Dunno why.
Whether or not to use a desktop background was only a valid question back when we had pentium-1's and 32megs of RAM. Nowadays it doesn't matter, because most of us have at least what, half a gigabyte of RAM?
Thanks. I got the idea of not using a BG from the xptc. And as I said, I did notice a memory usage increase equal to the size of the BG. I could see how that could be a problem if one were to use a 4mb bg :eek: . And the Task Manager displays in KB! Imagine the memory jump after that!

Hmm, sounds like a project for a rainy day :E Benchmarking and whatnot.

Anyway, thanks for the replies. I love the new background. It's calm and idylic while being sophisticated and futuristic, but not being flashy and attention grabing. I hate fire BG's and stuff like that. They grab too much attention and make it hard to concentrate.

You can find images in the same fashion as the BG I have Here. I must say, the author is very good at what he does. I would guess he's a professional 3d artist. He probably mentions it in the thread but I was just looking at the pictures. Too much posts to actually read the whole thing.
You could always open the backgrounds in photoshop or something similar and compress them down to something alot smaller.
omgz you'd better not use a bG!!!1!! it liek makes ur winxp carsh more by liek 50% fo shizzle.
Would it not be moved into the Page File when you run high memory programs anyway? Or am I showing a distinct lack of Page File knowledge?