Can't decide


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm going to the mall today, and can't decide if I should get Farcry or BF2. Farcry has, supposedly, a great single player, but since I don't know much about it's multiplayer, i'm assuming it blows and that the game doesn't have much replay value. BF2 doesn't have any single player but supposedly has an awesome multiplayer, yet I don't know about teamwork. Teamwork allways makes things more fun, but it's hard to get teamwork unless you are playing with people you know. I hated having to go lone soldier in Joint Ops.

BUT, BF2 has all these problems i've been hearing about, and I want to purchase a game I can actually play. Farcry also has those pretty HDR effects, which was the whole reason I was turned on to the game (I saw those 1.3 screenies and said "OMFG I must get this game!"). BF2 is also EA, the horrible Disney owned company that captures little children at Disneyland and forces them to stamp ESRB ratings on games. Ok, so EA isn't horrible, i've just not been too happy with my EA purchases in the past.

So can you guys help me? I'm assuming that the BF2 forum would be the best place to ask this, since i'm starting to MAJOR lean to it.
Farcry is uber old. Battlefield 2 is pwnage. The only real problem is server browsing, and it's not like its not working at all, it's just not as good as it could be. Get Battlefield2.

Farcry sux.
BF2! I'm having so much fun with this game and I know I will for a very long time! :)
Well, what about teamwork? Do you guys think that running around on your own blows? Or just hopping into some guys tank and blasting wherever he wants to go? Or gunning in a chopper and just shooting wherever this guy decides to go? Or running round in a field on your own, with no snipers to back you up?

I don't know anybody with the game, so I wouldn't have anybody to play with if I want that teamplay aspect.
Depends really.

Most people ( including me ) have a lot more fun in organised squads. However soloing or working with a guy in a vehicle is still a LOT of fun. I didn't know anyone that played the game when I bought it, but you can use Xfire to find people from or just join a squad in the game you join.

Just depends how you wanna play, its all great fun whatever you do :smoking:
You can find organized teamwork on any ranked server. So that's really the last of your problems.

I recommend double checking your specs and playing the demo.

I would defintely say BF2 WAAAYYY over Farcry. Personally, I never enjoyed Farcry. Too much crawling around in bushes.
BF2, no contest.
download the demo for both games, since one is out for each. the experience of either should let you know what to expect from the full products.

Far-Cry did have a really fun SP... but more-so because it was an extremely dry gaming cycle... so even at mediocraty it stood out... also it was the first "next gen" game (besides Max Payne 2 if you want to bunch him in because of Havok) so that helped.

BF2 is really fun if you have friends or squads to play with... I mean best game ever style.
if you don't it's still fun running around solo, getting in infantry combat, vehicles, choppers and jets so you have a lot of variety that you won't have in Far-Cry.

Far-Cry is a monster to run, BF2 outperforms it visually and in terms of system requirements for max gfx.

anywhoo, just dl the demos of both, and decide from there.
Pesmerga said:
Farcry is uber old. Battlefield 2 is pwnage. The only real problem is server browsing, and it's not like its not working at all, it's just not as good as it could be. Get Battlefield2.

Farcry sux.
The trick is to try and get under 100 servers in the browser list, try filtering by name like "EA US".
Mr. Redundant said:
Far-Cry is a monster to run, BF2 outperforms it visually and in terms of system requirements for max gfx.
Visually yes, but you need an absolute beast for the game to run well and look good. Not to mention the full version of BF2 runs worse than the demo.

And Far Cry sucks. get BF2 instead.
I'm going to have to say Battlefield 2. Overall it's a lot more fun than Farcry. Just gotta get past the lag and bad server browser.
Well, i'm happily informing you that as soon as i'm done with this post, I shall be installing BF2. :)

As for specs, i'm positive I wont have any issues with performance. A64 3500+ (venice), 6800gt, 2x512 OCZ Unbinned VX5, and to ice it off, a 36 gig Raptor. Hehe, built her (I use the word HER loosely) myself ;) .

And I was really pleased with the clerk I got when purchasing the game. I was looking on the shelves at gamestop, and couldn't find it. I feared that maybe I should have put a copy on hold before leaving, or checking to see if they had it. I went to the clerk, thinking in vain, and asked him if they had any copies. I was expecting the guy to go "I've never heard of that game. If it's not on the shelves, it's not here" but I heard a pleasant "Oh yeah. Right over hear. *points to rack at counter* Sorry though bud, we only got the CD versions at the moment. We should be getting the DVD copies in next week". HOORAY! I was going to grab the CD one too, just to be POSITIVE it worked with my drive, so no worries with the DVD.

Hope to see you guys online!

Xfire: sinkoman
aim: sinkOman III (sinkoman iii)
email: [email protected]
ingame: sinkoman is everything ingame. If you see some dude running around with sinkoman or some variation of it running around ingame, then it's me. Any game, it's the same.
Farcry is a polished game thats fun the first time through, but not too replayable.

BF2 is an online game that lasts much longer and is more versatile in its playability, however, when it comes to its production quality, it's close to winning the "leaking sack of shit" award (server browser, crashes, scoring system, lag) but those should all be fixed as long as EA doesn't pull an Ion Storm and pretend they never made the game.
bliink said:
Farcry is a polished game thats fun the first time through, but not too replayable.

BF2 is an online game that lasts much longer and is more versatile in its playability, however, when it comes to its production quality, it's close to winning the "leaking sack of shit" award (server browser, crashes, scoring system, lag) but those should all be fixed as long as EA doesn't pull an Ion Storm and pretend they never made the game.

Well said, however in a few patches I sure do hope they fix all of this. Bugs like this on release are caused by whiners who want the game released way before it's ready so developers only add what's crucial and not what would be nice to fix or add.