Cant get a job :-(

Probably being hurt by keeping your search criteria so narrow. I'd expand from IT Support to related fields you're qualified for.
Wow.. it seems like no one can get a job. I would recommend just going around your local town and going to to places that you like (EX: Coffee Shops, Gaming Stores) and asking if they would employ you. I know it is not a dream job but it could be just temporary until you find a job that you like!
RakuraiTenjin said:
Probably being hurt by keeping your search criteria so narrow. I'd expand from IT Support to related fields you're qualified for.

Im loking for 1st Line Support, u know like Broadband support. Theres nothin like that around Lancashire area!! Really frustrating, I got a degree in Computer Science and cant gat a job! :frown:
elrasho said:
Im loking for 1st Line Support, u know like Broadband support. Theres nothin like that around Lancashire area!! Really frustrating, I got a degree in Computer Science and cant gat a job! :frown:
I live in Lancashire:o
Cormeh said:
Any prior experience? ;)

Yeah I got three years as an IT Technician for a computer repair shop. I provided support for customers and went to businesses to fix their problems. They look at that and they say its not relavent for 1st line support!! How can that be!!?? Its the same thinkg, 1st line is just no where near as technical as the kind of stuff I did
Rather than got through recruitment websites, try going to the companies directly.

Alternatively, try googling for actual recruitment agencies. They'll take your CV and scour locally for placements.
elrasho said:
Yeah I got three years as an IT Technician for a computer repair shop. I provided support for customers and went to businesses to fix their problems. They look at that and they say its not relavent for 1st line support!! How can that be!!?? Its the same thinkg, 1st line is just no where near as technical as the kind of stuff I did
Haha, I've got similar experience :p

But yeah, just keep at it mate :)
Cormeh said:
Alternatively, try googling for actual recruitment agencies. They'll take your CV and scour locally for placements.

Recruitment agencies are crap, they just ring me up and ask what type of work im llokng for and that it, i never hear from them again!! MY CV must be in every recruitment agency and job website in England!

Its impossible to get a job. Its either call centres or Mc Donalds!! Takes the piss, i spent £15000 adn 3 years of my life on a degree that aint worth shit!

There are soo many IT Helpdesk jobs where u provide support for WinXP and Office, Oulook thats it, a 5 year old could do that!! Everytime I apply they say "not enough experience" bollox, i got loads.

Is anyone else havin this problem or is it just me??
I took some time getting a job (it's a full time job getting a job).

Are you getting any interviews?

If not, you might want to look at improving your CV and posting it out again.
the secret to getting a job can be summed up in 3 short steps:

* Lie
(lie about your experience, inflate everything you've done to make it sound better, let your cv reflect this, and cater to each company applied to specifically.. I.E. Tell them what you know they want to hear. Throw in the addictional "team player", "cost cutter". "company man" bullshit and refine this until you get your interview)

(Lie during the interview, basically, its an oral resume. Just remember that, tell them what they want to hear, but do so in a non-fake tone. kiss ass as needed. And be sure you have the right look for the company, and the position. Go in with the "you need me, not the other way around" attitude. And you're golden.)

(If steps one and two fail, camp in your car in the parking lot, outside of desired company. Wait for higher up looking chap to exit stage right. Follow him home, being unseen! Monitor his daily routines and activities. Set up a clever life threating situation for said gentleman. Hire friends to play robbers, works wonders. Save poor chap, give him your card, go to lunch, ask where he works. Tell him your name and how interested in said feild you are, and knowledgable... then whammo', job is yours)

Ps. I can't be held responsible if you fail miserable, get arrested for fraud, and or kill a ceo... not my fault
Innervision961 said:
Ps. I can't be held responsible if you fail miserable, get arrested for fraud, and or kill a ceo... not my fault

Wow, that's much better than what I did.
I've got a solid CV, but I've been told it's too long - how many pages (roughly would be a good idea? )
i was tiold no longer that 2 pages, as most employers like to flow thru it, rather than getting into thick mud.
ComradeBadger said:
I've got a solid CV, but I've been told it's too long - how many pages (roughly would be a good idea? )

Two, no more, no less.

Unless you need a technical CV (my University Tutor said his technical CV is 10 pages long).
Why did no one make this joke when it would be funny.

Blowjob? Try washing. :naughty:
OR I could just grab the CEO dude rip his sin off and wear it like that guy from Taxas chainsaw massacre
elrasho said:
OR I could just grab the CEO dude rip his sin off and wear it like that guy from Taxas chainsaw massacre

That won't even get you a Handjob under the table.
Just apply directly to companies, I sent of over 35 letters before I got anything more promising than the usual "Sorry, we have no suitable vacancies, we will keep your details on file."

When you send a letter, make it sound interesting and enthusiastic, make yourself stand out from the rest of the letters.

Some companies have IT staff that are contracted from an outside group, so you should look on the companies site to find the contractor, then apply to them direct.