Can't get rid of these damned popups!!!

Sep 9, 2004
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Hi. I have this really horrible terrible annoying bitch of a problem. I keep getting popups, everytime I connect to a server, it automaticly opens like 3 popup windows, and minimize the game. It can get really annoying since when my normal counter strike is minimized it crashes and shuts down automaticly, and when I play DOD sometimes the game crashes of overload when it get minimized. Is there a way to get rid of these popups? I'd install internet explorer if I could but I can't. And is there any freeware popup killer that dont need registration? Please, I really need help!
Wolfy Snackrib said:
Hi. I have this really horrible terrible annoying bitch of a problem. I keep getting popups, everytime I connect to a server, it automaticly opens like 3 popup windows, and minimize the game. It can get really annoying since when my normal counter strike is minimized it crashes and shuts down automaticly, and when I play DOD sometimes the game crashes of overload when it get minimized. Is there a way to get rid of these popups? I'd install internet explorer if I could but I can't. And is there any freeware popup killer that dont need registration? Please, I really need help!
install firefox with the adblock extension, setup a filter list (can get good ones on the net too to get you started) and you'll not see them again, also works for banners and other annoying ads that plague the internet.
His problem is when he connects to games, so firefox adblock won't effect it will it?
What kind of popups are they? Are they Messenger alerts (Windows Messenger, not MSN Messenger)? At the RUN prompt, type services.msc and make sure Messenger is not enabled. It's an entry-level exercise for script kiddies to fire these up.

If it's a web pop up, grab Opera. You can kill all popups or just unwanted pop ups as well as, well, any damn thing. It's free with no registration.
Link said:
His problem is when he connects to games, so firefox adblock won't effect it will it?
If he's being affected by popups leaving things on his system to bug him with later, then it'll help nip the problem in the bud once he's removed whats there at the moment.
Downloading alternative browsers isn't going to solve his problem, thought it might mean less problems in the future. Like they said do spyware scans... try Ad-Aware, Spybot search & destroy, and microsoft antispyware. Also try a virus scan..