Can't log into MSN, Hotmail, or Gmail


The Freeman
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score

MSN pops up this error: "Sorry, we were unable to sign you into the .NET Messenger service at this time. Please try again later. 80072efd".

Hotmail gives me "The connection was refused when attempting to contact" when using Firefox, and a simple "The page cannot be displayed" in IE 6. Both caches (cookies and files) are cleared.

Gmail gives me the same, though instead of when I try to log in, the errors come up when I point my browser to

I don't know what could be causing this. I didn't install anything over the weekend, no new drivers, ActiveX controls, java applets, or spyware-infested programs, and I have a firewall that's been working fine for the past three months.

Also, I can't talk to my mod team, which makes me a sad panda. ;(
Sometimes it happens to me. It lasts maybe half a hour and it comes back. If the problem is new, just wait a hour or two.
you sure your firewall isn't interfereing?
Absolutely sure.

I've had the firewall for a few months, but the problem only started happening since about Saturday. Haven't been able to log in since.
Try going into Tools > Internet Options and set EVERYTHING to default and clear all cookies and delete all files. Same goes with Firefox but just goto Tools > Options
Did that, still get the same error.

Oh, and I tried to reinstall Windows today, and got a bluescreen error when I try to setup Windows XP from the CD boot screen.