Can't uninstall Age of Empires III!


Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey everyone.

Like the title says, Uninstalling AoEIII doesn't work. It says a few things when trying to uninstall, and it stops at "validating install" with one blue thingamajigg (the progress bar). It just stays there forever.
I've tried using the control panel, and by using the autostart menu.

Any takes on how to solve it? I'd like my harddrive back, thank you very much!
I could, but it feels like it would leave a bunch of crap behind on my pc that I won't know how to delete afterwards. usually I'm not anal about stuff like that but I just did huge overhaul on my pc to fix it up last night, and it's running like a dream now and got rid of the stuttering I got in Fear, so I feel like keeping it nice and clean now.
Even by uninstalling it properly you're going to create fragmentation, so a full manual delete isn't that bad.
why would you uninstall such a great game anyway?