Car alarms are stupid -_-


Dec 7, 2004
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So my friend came over last night and he's got this overkill car alarm system. He's got this little remote that tells him what's happening to his car, and around midnight it beeps and says "motion" and he just cancels it because sometimes it goes off when people to close to it.

Well a bit later this jeep's alarm goes off, it's also one of those hyper sensitive ones; a strong breeze, rain, or thunder will set his off. A few moments later he also cancels his and everybody goes on with their life.

Then this morning I go to my car to go get some food and notice my door handle has been essentially ripped off my door. It's one of those 'trigger' types and whoever was operating it apparently thought it was the 'pull out' kind, so they just ripped it off my door.

So in conclusion, at least 3 people tried to have their cars broken into to last night and nobody paid any attention to their $600 alarm systems. And the only reason they even know it happened was because the poor kid with the $14 door handle told them. I'm just so thankful they didn't break a window to try and get in, that would have ruined me.

edit: I guess technically the car alarms did exactly what they were supposed to, so I should have said something like, "people who always ignore their car alarms are stupid." So I guess I'm just as stupid for ignoring two people's car alarms.
The car alarm still alerts the bad guy that this mother ****er will make loud noises if you touch. I guess it works in that sense.
Car alarms are incredibly annoying. I shouted **** off at a car before that I was walking past when it beeped at me (just one of those warning beeps). I must have looked pretty crazy. Also annoying when they attract a ho[strike]a[/strike]rde.
How great of a prank would it be to install a car alarm on somebodies car who doesn't already have one. Or even if they do if you have means to disable it while you're installing your own.

They'd be unable to shut it off and people would think they're stealing the car.

Nah... that's too dickish.
The night before my leaving cert physics exam I stayed up til 12 studying. A car alarm woke me at 3. It continued until 6. I didn't go back to sleep. Goddamn car alarm. I ate a massive bar of chocolate for breakfast to keep me awake:E I got my highest mark in that exam, ironically.
i'm not a fan of car alarms. i think most people ignore them as well and its more nuisance than helpful
Ahhh New York.

''Turn your alarm off jerk-off! Have a nice day asshole''.

I agree that nobody really pays attention to an alarm unless its just annoying you. Someone breaking into a car is the last thing I think about when an alarm goes off. Im just sat there thinking ''oh ffs, come on, turn it off you moron. Learn how to switch your alarm off with the remote!''
Picture finally became a little relevant.
