Card Vs. Clock


Jul 23, 2006
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I have a 7600GT Nvidia card that runs stable at 502Mhz clock, and 651Mhz memory speeds...but i had to DOWNCLOCK my speeds to get it to run that way, could anyone else like to share what kinda clock speeds they have or if they know that these are low? I"m getting a new card via manufact. warranty, i was just curius.
From what I can see, it looks like a stock 7600 GT will run at 560MHz core and 1400MHz mem. (sometimes memory clock is listed at 2x the base speed, so double your number to compare, e.g. 651 x 2 = 1302).

Some cards run more or less depending on what manufacturer created it and what not, but these are the average specs. So, yeah, it sounds like you had to downclock to get a stable card.
Having to underclock a recently purchased video card to that extent is an indication that there is a problem with it. Unless you've had the card for a while and have been OCing it, it's always best to get an RMA as soon as you see problems like that. A card with sufficient cooling should never have to be underclocked out of the box.
yeah i got the card underclocked so it would work. I got the replacement yesterday...suprise, they sent me a 7900GT instead of a 7600gt. It's sweet....but i booted up just now and I got a wierd error about power. I have a 550Watt PSU, i don't see any cable to plug in...what gives?

is there not a plug on the card for a regular psu cable? thats how it is with my 6800 GT
yeah i got the card underclocked so it would work. I got the replacement yesterday...suprise, they sent me a 7900GT instead of a 7600gt. It's sweet....but i booted up just now and I got a wierd error about power. I have a 550Watt PSU, i don't see any cable to plug in...what gives?

What psu do you have?
Most of those cards have a 6pin power plug on the end of the card. You can get an adapter to use the normal 4pin molex connectors too. But power needs to be plugged into that 6pin on the end for it to work right. Picture

Thats a nice upgrade. EVGA brand?
yeah it's a 7900GT, made by VGA. I sent them a bad 7600GT and they sent me this...i'm sooo happy!
Yeah, eVGA is my favorite nvidia provider. They've even produced an improved model of 7900s that correct certain issues with the card. However, if you plan on OCing it, I would suggest picking up a Zalman vf900 as the stock 7900GT cooler is a little lacking. According to eVGA, adding an aftermarket cooler will not void the warranty as long as the card incurs no physical damage. If you do this though, make sure you hold onto the origional cooler, since you need to put to back on to RMA it or trade it up.
Yeah, eVGA is my favorite nvidia provider. They've even produced an improved model of 7900s that correct certain issues with the card. However, if you plan on OCing it, I would suggest picking up a Zalman vf900 as the stock 7900GT cooler is a little lacking. According to eVGA, adding an aftermarket cooler will not void the warranty as long as the card incurs no physical damage. If you do this though, make sure you hold onto the origional cooler, since you need to put to back on to RMA it or trade it up.
This man speaks the absolute truth. I just got my replacement 7900gt today. No Deep-Freeze freezing. Whoopa.
yes, you all are smart bunch of computer junkies. Now i need to order that damn power adapter part.