CarmaGordon News Update


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
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CarmaGordon is having an update including a cool promotion video of their new Mustang car.
Here's the official message:
"It's been a while since we posted some news about CarmaGordon, so heres whats going on. On the coding side of things Childe has added a few new features. We now have a basic working grenade launcher for the cars. He has also started to tweak the vehicle net code. We have a brand new car in game to show everybody, the Mustang. We also have all the vehicle weapons for the first beta modelled and skinned."
The videos are available here in
High Quality - 8MB and Low Quality - 6MB.
Don't forget to check out the official CarmaGordon website by clicking here.
broken links...until he fixes them, just copy and paste the URL instead of clicking it
It's something with the site, Munro (the site administrator) is working on it.
Yeah I just noticed that they work in this topic..just not on the front page.
Fixed the error.
hmmm, looks bad right now, and thats some weak rock......but I hope they do well, b/c I love car based destruction games!
yeah not overly impressive. and once youve seen the first 10sec of the video you've seen all it has to offer. For a SECOND I thought I was going to be treated to seeing a crap wrap around a tree in the source engine. But then it changed direction mid-flight :(

needs more detail, and more destruction.
I think it was just to show off the car. It looks awesome imo. Of course when it hit the tree, not so cool looking. You should have had it doin a jump onto the house. :/

Soft body dynamics would be cool. I'm sure we're a few years away from realistic impacts like that.....I wonder how well it can be done in Source now?
Semi Real time dmg for CarmaGordon is being worked on now. The models are rigged for it the coding side just has to be implemented. The amount of dmg and distortion to the body will change depending on the speed of the impact.

The video itself is only to show off the latest car model. If you are not familiar with my mod you can find out more at our moddb page:
Why always grass and not a desert or something like that?