Cars running Windows OS: World Conquest part3


Feb 3, 2005
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The software and hardware design uses Windows Mobile for Automotive, and it was featured in three new auto models.

At this stage they have decided to turn your car into a mobile PC.

The phrophecy begins to come true.

Just using my imagination, I have said a few times that they will be having a handheld PC that controls most every electronic device in your home, including the lights, phone, and audio/video entertainment, and likely the air temperature, among other things.

I didn't forsee them including PC hardware in your auto!

Full story here:

The latest special interest is Microsoft, which wants specially designed versions of its Windows operating system to be the command and control technology for all the new hi-tech wizardry that's on the way to your car.

Microsoft has its eye on the kids who will be buying cars in the future. "Today's internet kid is used to instant messaging, immediate data download," says Manuel Simas, European automotive business development manager at Microsoft. "In five to 10 years, when he wants to buy a car he will expect these there too."

...the first cars with a factory-installed USB port. This allows almost any music player to be plugged in . They will also get a wireless Bluetooth link, which enables hands-free use of most mobile phones, and navigation connections, which allow mapping and navigation devices to be installed.

The USB port approach to in-car electronics may herald a new era on on-board digital information facilities.
just wait till when BSOD cause car crashes... I'd never leave my house
Synthos said:
just wait till when BSOD cause car crashes... I'd never leave my house
The software doesn't control operation of the vehicle itself, just the "infotainment" system, as it's called.
Ctrl Alt Delete on your steering wheel for the lose!

but industry analyst Magney said he would expect a price of slightly less than 300 euros, or around $350.

Its not just an idea, it's already happening too.
Currently, Microsoft Windows-powered technology is enabling the in-car computing scenarios in 60 pre-installed, dealer option, and aftermarket devices from 18 world-class automakers and suppliers.
People talking on phones while driving is bad enough, but now Bill wants them to use instant messaging?
_Z_Ryuken said:
People talking on phones while driving is bad enough, but now Bill wants them to use instant messaging?

I think everything is voice activated - seen the adds for the new Acura?

For a fair price you get the navigation, phone control, bluetooth, MP3 interface, DVD movie player for the kiddies etc., etc., etc.

I seriously think it's cool. I still need to sell my Alpine CD that doesn't have an MP3 port. God I hate CD's. They won't play just becuase they flopped around in my car for a while with crap rolling around on top of them and got totally defaced.

I seriously need to update my audio ( and possibly video) experience in my car. I would be running visualizers on the dash monitor along to the music I have been making on my PC for years. It would be sick! and trippy.

At one time I had competition audio equipment in there but sold it when I began to lose my hearing. Also, with a relatively heavy FWD car, I realized all those subs everywhere were making my car heavy and slow. The whole point of a sports car is to be lighter and more nimble.

Besides, how many pimped rides have PS2's and Xbox 360's in them? Drop that, now you got Half-Life 2 and Oblivion!

LOL well .. I don't know about all that