Casshern :o

Yeah, saw it maybe 8 months ago. Pretty sweet live action movie. CG was amazing, but the story... oh god SO CONFUSING.


How does stopping a clock create a nuclear explosion followed by souls heading for the stars?
Seen it a while ago. It was pretty neat, but only watchable once though.
I see it was made in that site outdated or will they still be releasing it in North America?
It was ultimately pretty poor. The action was awesome and it was all really cool. But all said it was really confusing.

I saw this movie like a year ago. I hate this with such fury.

Lets see.

Badguys- Oh boo hoo we are hunted, oh look a robot factory, haha we will take over the world, no wait we will destroy humanity, no wait we will enslave humanity, no wait...

Casshern- Oh shit look at how many emo rocker poses i can strike, I can punch through giant robots but can't stop a mechanical clock face on a giant mech nuke!

Casshern's dad- I'm a good guy, now i just shot my son's fiance dead for no reason.

Evil Military-look at us run around in gimp suits with spas 12 shotguns

and in the end they all turn into magic missles and go to another planet! right after somehow surviving being at ground zero on a gaint mechanical walking nuke.


Basically this movie looked like they went and got together as many different japanese computer animators as possible and had them throw every god damn cliche and convoluted story they could together
Ya i saw this year or so ago dont remember. Good movie.
One of the worst movies I've ever seen, and I love asian films. But seriously, they were trying to do something different with the sfx but it just didn't work. There were some nice shots but the story just dragged on and on and by the end of the movie you wondered why you just spent $20 to see a movie that sucked so bad. If someone were to me what it was about I would have to say no ****ing idea.
It was impressively made, but jesus is the story confusing (plus there's tons of those secret meanings to stuff thrown in everywhere). They could have made it a lot shorter, too... it just dragged on heavily at times.
I liked some of the action, and the anime-esque style is cool at times, if overdone. Seem to remember liking the music alright too. The story tries to be a mind-****, but ends up being a headache. Plus it suffers from Akira syndrome - trying to cram a huge graphic novel (pretty sure Casshern was) into a 2 hour movie, leaving people totally lost on the ending :p

All in all it's one of those movies where I ultimately enjoyed the trailer more than the movie itself (which was total awesome compressed into about a minute and a half) :)