Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I "got" the file, and I am now playing it on my computer (game is originaly for PSX), and it's really awesome and everything, but are there any better, more recent games like this (the RPG style)? Is Aria of Sorrow for the DS like this, or is it like the SNES ones? I want to know all the RPG Castlevanias for any platform, please.

I really want to play another RPG Castlevania, preferably a newer one than SotN.
I don't really approve of "getting" the file if "paying" for it isn't also involved, but anyway...pretty much every GBA/DS Castlevania is like SOTN. They all have pretty much the same formula, but gameplay, graphics, characters, etc are tweaked here and there. That said, don't think they are all the same game--they're not and they are all awesomely fun, esp. if you like SOTN. Enjoy!

I just can't wait for Portrait of Ruin later this year--it looks to be the best Castlevania ever!!!
Wait, is Portrait Of Ruin going to be for GBA?
When I saw the first 3D Castlevania (I Think for N64) I thought the series was ruined, Castelvania is a side scroller. And that's what it always should be!
Oh, and BTW I had the actual game (for PSX), but ever since I moved I couldn't find any of my PSX games, so it's kind of like backing it up, and then using isobuster to iso the files.. it's all good.
Symphony of the Night is one of my favorite games ever, and it has one of the best videogame soundtracks of all time. To be honest though, after all the GBA and DS clones, the "Metroidvania" style of gameplay may be getting a little stale in my opinion. None of the past 4 incarnations have come close to being as good as SotN.

That's not to say those games aren't fun or good, they are, but I think the series needs a new direction. Heck I would be willing to have a new Castlevania game in the same style as the original NES games with levels instead of one large castle.

Portait of Ruin does look a little better, at least this time around they didn't blatantly copy all the character designs from some of the previous games, and it seems to take place in different areas rather than just a large castle.

Sorry for the rant, but anyways the games you are looking for are the 3 GBA ones: Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance, and Aria of Sorrow. Also check out the DS game Dawn of Sorrow.
Portait of Ruin does look a little better, at least this time around they didn't blatantly copy all the character designs from some of the previous games, and it seems to take place in different areas rather than just a large castle.
And the time period is interesting too...:afro:
SoTN is an awesome game. I used to hate it because I had no idea what to do..confused at age 16...but now I know what I'm doing....and hell, it's mad fun. Though I still can't win with Richter (Can only get to the upside down castle, then to the room with the traps on the floors that stab you when you are in between them...) but the game is mad fun to complete 200%...

I wish I knew a game that was ilke this.
I wish I knew a game that was ilke this.

Super Metroid, the greatest game of all time :)

Pretty much all the game mechanics from SotN are borrowed from Super Metroid, the only real difference is it takes place in a giant castle instead of on a giant planet.
Super Metroid, the greatest game of all time :)

Pretty much all the game mechanics from SotN are borrowed from Super Metroid, the only real difference is it takes place in a giant castle instead of on a giant planet.

I meant one I havn't played. Hell, I own the SNES cartridge still. \=