I am the very proud owner of an ATI radeon 9600XT 128mb. I have no internet on MY computer, which houses my card. I download the drivers ASAP from my moms pc, and put it on a CF card, take it to my PC and install the driver there. This has worked since Catalyst 3.7. I downloaded CAT4.8 today, did my normal routine, once on my PC it sais the file was corrupted, I tried copying and pasting again, but still. So i spent another hour and 30 minutes downlaoding the driver. Now it doesnt complain about it being corrputed but when it finishes loading and unzipping the files, it gives me some bullshit about some crap, and that it will close. It doesnt explain anything. So now i am stuck with no driver and cant play anything that ranges from the sims to doom 3.
ATI offices dont open until tuesday. damn labor day!!
ANyone know a fix?
ATI offices dont open until tuesday. damn labor day!!
ANyone know a fix?